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Preventing blown amplifiers

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Hi guys

So i recently installed 2 SAZ 2500D v2 in my car with a 2 ohm subwoofer. The master amp went and stayed in protection.

Now what I want to know is how do I go protecting any new amp that I might purchase.


Runing a D3100, Mechman 270A 



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:/ ..what?

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I linked the two amplifiers to a 2 ohm Fi sub.

The master amp went into protect. I opened up the amp and all the Drain-Source impedance is not shorting


What are the best methods so can I ensure that I don't have any new amplifier go into protect and remain there.

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You're going to at least need a volt meter some where within your sight to ensure your voltage doesn't drop down to dangerous levels. Also 5k on a single d3100 is not recommended. In my experience with the 2500 based amps you're going to need at least 2 large group 31's. 

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Can someone explain how the current pull of the amplifier works. Cant seem to get a good grasp of how it works on audio amplifier

Edited by mnapoleon

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Explain exactly how you had everything wired.

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For one, I and many install shops do not recommend strapping korean\chinese amplifiers.  There are far too many cases of 1 amp going into protect and not the other causing one to fail.   It's literally a hit or miss when it comes to the reliability of strapping.  The technology is just not worth trusting until they incorporate strapping protection.  

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