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just bought new head unit

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Yeah, it threw me off too. I actually hooked them up your way and couldn't figure out what the hell I did wrong, lol.

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I can make a list of new stuff now in addition to the head unit. Just put the order in for a pioneer gm-d8604 for my front stage amp, image dynamics ctx-65cs component speakers for up front, xs power d3400 for in the rear to make my sub amp happy. Going to be like christmas here for me and a lot of work to install everything the way I want. Cant wait to actually have a quality system in the civic, so excited!

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Wait? Why buy a component set when you are running in Network mode? MUCH better off with some DIY drivers...

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Well I read decent reviews on them, I doubt there bad speakers. Probably could have got something better for my money but these are my first set of aftermarket speakers. Didn't want to go all out at first. Might run them passive at first and experience the learning curve before going active right off the bat. What would you have recommended?

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Big difference if you are running them passive or active. Could have spent $30 on a set of DIY drivers and out done them...but only with competent tuning.

The install makes the difference WAY more than the drivers so it isn't like those won't work, but if you are going to run active and have the opportunity to return them before using them I would. Good to start with a comp set for learning if you haven't run active, but buy something used that you won't care if you pop as that isn't so hard to do first time out.

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I thought about getting some PWX 6.5" CRESCENDO PRO AUDIO MID RANGE but read some reviews about pro drivers being more loud than sound quality oriented. I can certainly return the ctx65s if there are much better options for my money.

Edited by blowthemup

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There are better options for the money.

And good call on the Crescendos. Avoid them like the plague.

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Tons of better options and the Crescendo's would be going in the opposite direction. The PWX 6.5 is actual somewhat useless as a driver. Has no midbass and stinks at midrange. Don't quite understand why it is even made and even more confusing anyone buys it.

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IMO the 80 prs shouldn't be capable of running passive nor should it have the internal amp. They should have applied that cost towards a better faceplate. Aside from that it's a fantastic hu. I would most certainly return the ID comp set and get a cheap set of diy drivers to start out with. take the leftover money and deaden the hell out of your doors. that's an investment that you will never regret with whatever drivers you have in the future. Silver Flute mids are pretty dam good for the price. tweets are really going to depend on where you plan to mount them. If you can mount them within 30 degrees or so vifa ring radiators are almost impossible to beat at the price. If you have to mount them off axis they fall on their face. Then you have some choices of dome tweets that all have a good following. Dayton, LPG, Vifa and Seas are some that come to mind. 

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Decided to keep the Image Dynamics and probably gonna run them active. I may end up playing with some different speakers in the future but I feel like I will be more than happy with these for now. Any recommendations on some starting crossover points and slopes?


Should I start a new topic for this?

Edited by blowthemup

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Decided to keep the Image Dynamics and probably gonna run them active. I may end up playing with some different speakers in the future but I feel like I will be more than happy with these for now. Any recommendations on some starting crossover points and slopes?


Should I start a new topic for this?


if you know or could figure out the xover points from the passives I would start there. 

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Decided to keep the Image Dynamics and probably gonna run them active. I may end up playing with some different speakers in the future but I feel like I will be more than happy with these for now. Any recommendations on some starting crossover points and slopes?


Should I start a new topic for this?

Just run them passive. Seriously a big WASTE of money to not.

Comparable thread and those uber cheap drivers I listed will be of better quality that what you bought.


I realize it isn't what you want to hear, but while you still have the chance to change it is a good idea.

A new thread might keep things on focus and allow you to really put the thoughts you need into the first post. Either is fine, but that is usually easier smile.png

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