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anybody have 1 or heard one in person??? just saw a very intersting bench test on youtube....

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Just another Korean made amp.

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just saw a very intersting bench test on youtube....

What was interesting about it ?

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anybody have 1 or heard one in person??? just saw a very intersting bench test on youtube....

Bench test means nothing, fyi.

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just saw a very intersting bench test on youtube....

What was interesting about it ?


the power output at 2 and 1ohms for its size

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anybody have 1 or heard one in person??? just saw a very intersting bench test on youtube....

Bench test means nothing, fyi.


why not?

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anybody have 1 or heard one in person??? just saw a very intersting bench test on youtube....

Bench test means nothing, fyi.


why not?



Mostly because it's in a controlled environment. Once installed in your vehicle, you will NEVER have an controlled environment. Which is why MANY subs failed when gains are set with any SMD tools or any other gimmick used. 

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So what (parameters, meadurements, stats, specs, etc)should somebody rely on for real world power?

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None, just look at rms and if it is in the range your searching and budget as well then buy it. Just make sure it is a reputable brand that will do rated power, pretty much any amplifier brand in the SSA Store will do rated power. 


All these bench test and clamp test are marketing gimmicks to get customers to purchase their product, its sad to say that it is actually working. Regardless you wont the claimed rms power or benched/clamped power anyway. Since amplifiers are not 99% efficient and music is dynamic as well.

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anybody have 1 or heard one in person??? just saw a very intersting bench test on youtube....

Bench test means nothing, fyi.


why not?



Mostly because it's in a controlled environment. Once installed in your vehicle, you will NEVER have an controlled environment. Which is why MANY subs failed when gains are set with any SMD tools or any other gimmick used. 



I have never had an amp or sub fail because of being set with a DD-1 or CC-1. I use them daily to tune and set customers amps.

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Well thats because your coming from SMD forum, im pretty sure all that info would be deleted off that forum if stated. Around here we dont do any deleting of threads or posts, so do some research and you will see all the threads on here concerning that issue.

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Well thats because your coming from SMD forum, im pretty sure all that info would be deleted off that forum if stated. Around here we dont do any deleting of threads or posts, so do some research and you will see all the threads on here concerning that issue.


I don't think it matters where it comes from, don't be an idiot and use the tool the way it's intended. The research I need is in the 2+ years I have use both devices. The issues I have seen are when people think they are too good for the directions and trying to set the gains with the car off... That is a whole other issue, not just an issue with the SMD products.  I own a TPI 440 as well, I have never seen an amp that would clip before the DD-1 said enough is enough. These are my personal results, I will continue to use them until they fail me.  

Edited by walwalka

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Another typical derailed SSA thread.

Chill out guys.

To the OP. That is a well used amplifier in the car audio world.

Holds up great in everyday use and in competition if set up and used correctly.

Hope this helps.

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None, just look at rms and if it is in the range your searching and budget as well then buy it. Just make sure it is a reputable brand that will do rated power, pretty much any amplifier brand in the SSA Store will do rated power.

All these bench test and clamp test are marketing gimmicks to get customers to purchase their product, its sad to say that it is actually working. Regardless you wont the claimed rms power or benched/clamped power anyway. Since amplifiers are not 99% efficient and music is dynamic as well.

heres the problem I see with ur 1st paragraph...... (just look at the rms and if its in the range and ur budget) a funky pup amp the has "1700 watts of awesome bass power!!!!" For 69.99 (just make sure its a reputable brand that will do rated power) who determines what brands are reputable -funky pup could be reputable- and without testing how do we know what power theyre putting out out 4,2,1, 0.5 ohms???

the 1st line of ur 2nd paragraph..... again if benching and clamping tests are gimmicks, bs, stupid and illegitamate should I assume and trust the wattage that every audio company puts on theyre box and in the pamphlets? If a funky pup amp is benched or clamped tested and puts out 173 watts at 4ohms, 350 watts at 2ohms and 801 watts at 1ohm but goes into protection after 4 seconds should I ignore those results and buy it cause the tests are gimmicks?

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It isn't rocket science. What you quote for the f pup is similar nonsense to a clamp test. Useless. And if you can't figure out reputable I feel sorry for you. Must be tough to make decisions about anything you buy.

As yes the DD-1 is a useless paperweight

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It isn't rocket science. What you quote for the f pup is similar nonsense to a clamp test. Useless. And if you can't figure out reputable I feel sorry for you. Must be tough to make decisions about anything you buy.

As yes the DD-1 is a useless paperweight

dont feel bad for me chief, im not intersted in wastin money. i want information that the majority of ppl agree on when it comes to car audio, cause when it comes time to resell, ppl wanna give you 40% of the price u paid for an item, regardless of how long you had it and/or the condition.

id rather have an amp that ppl recommend and was bench tested rather than an amp that some dude said 'will absolutely murder the lows'. i try to stay picky, but if u say 'fuq a bench test from anybody!! this bobo schlomo amp is on the exact same level as this amp and its only $35.00' push forth son...........

Edited by adio

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Resale has nothing to do with testing lol. Just buy used if your goal is resale. Problem solved

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anybody have 1 or heard one in person??? just saw a very intersting bench test on youtube....

Bench test means nothing, fyi.


why not?



Mostly because it's in a controlled environment. Once installed in your vehicle, you will NEVER have an controlled environment. Which is why MANY subs failed when gains are set with any SMD tools or any other gimmick used. 



I have never had an amp or sub fail because of being set with a DD-1 or CC-1. I use them daily to tune and set customers amps.



I've dealt with more than a few (brand of sub has no bearing).  Blind faith in a blinking light.

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If you're after resale value, get some well known brand, or buy good used products

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