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BL 12 ported enclosure

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So I guess this isn't really Fi specific but I've got this box modeled up in sketchup and I'm wondering if it would be beneficial to add an angled piece to each corner and to cut an angle into the inside turn of the port at the corner or if leaving it the way it is would be fine.

Box v1.0

I haven't ever heard a back to back comparison with two similar boxes, one with the angled corners and one without so any input would be great!

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The angled corners are just braces mainly, as for bracing it is more useful to have a stiff brace like this one, for example...the enclosure for my 12" Fi BL.



IMG 20140325 130311

IMG 20140325 130339


It is more useful sound wise to "bevel" the corners of the port wall.

Here is the link that shows it better, and also shows this enclosures specs for the BL/BTL enclosure:
Edited by THX_Elite

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Alright thanks, I'll keep this in mind. I'll have less than $20 into my enclosure before carpet, if you dont count the power tools that I've had for years that is. Screws, liquid nails, and 3/4 mdf from the seconds/edge damaged section at menards. The mdf only cost me $12 and I'll have extra left over!

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It's good you have the tools and things you need to build your own enclosure, sure keeps the cost down, but man I'm in love with my FatBox :)  The internal bracing, as shown above, or any close variant will be beneficial and crucial to prevent flexing of the enclosure when using any stout and powerful driver.

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