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Old Q12 help, my buddy tore my surround!

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Hi folks, new poster but old owner of a q12 sub. I love the driver but I can't use it right now because my bonehead buddy tore the surround with his finger lifting the sub up one day. There's a 1" horizontal tear in the surround now and I'd like to know if I can repair it or if I have to send it in for a recone. Also, it's an older dual stack motor, is there a way to figure out the options on it without tearing it apart? Thanx for any help.

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you can probably repair it. i believe shoe goo is typically recommended. 

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I've shoegooed torn surrounds before.  Looks ugly, but I couldn't tell any difference in sound.

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I don't like the idea of shoe goo. I'm more into the idea of replacing the actual surround. Can you get a new surround from Fi?

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If it is worth it too you, I would send it in...However, Fi sends out recone kit's for their subs.


Just go to Fi's web site and there is a recone section.


Where as you don't remember the options you ordered I think sending it in is the best route, things would be done more than proper this way.

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Wanna sell it?

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Haha, I'm trying to figure out how to fix it first. I'm a noon when it comes to driver building or repair. Amps, that's simple.

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I have a buddy with a pre 09 d2 Q 12" he's been looking for a match for along time.

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shouldn't be more than about 30 bucks to fedex it...thinks I paid about 26 to send my 18 back to incriminator.

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