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I went up to the Shelor Motor Mall competition in VA today to both compete and drop off a couple 12's to Chad today. When I first got there I was A) late and B) driving a completely dirty car which didn't make me feel too good. I got settled in and went up to sign up for SPL but found it was only a few dollars more to compete in both SPL and SQ so I signed up for both anticipating me getting my ass kicked in SQ.

Luckily Nick M. found a guy that worked at the car dealer for me and I got to wash my car for free - YAY!!! :runlaugh: Getting the 'teggy all jazzed up made me feel like I just took a bath. So anyway, I was good-to-go after that. :bigok:

I went through the SPL lanes at first with the $hitty-ass bass CD that only had 30, 40, 50, and 60 Hz on it. I played 50 Hz on the dash and did a 139. Crappy. The second time I went through I did a little test and tune with Chad and found out that 63 Hz was my peak (even though 55 Hz hurts you) and I burped it again at full tilt and did a 143.7 in the kick. And while I'm thinking about it - I got put in modified because my damned battery was in front of my b-pillar by an inch. The next time I go to a show I'm going to put my battery on top of my back seat so it's not in front of the b-pillar. :finger:

Anyway, I took home 1'st place in SQ and 2'nd place in modified SPL. I got beat in the SPL lanes by a guy with a wall and 6 power bass 12's. He did a 145/6 or something like that.

...and I just ate a heaping plate of spaghetti so I'm going to do a tripple s.

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Well done and congrats on the placings :)

Mags do it again.

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Oh yeah, there were a few guys from a shop down the road that were walking around my car when I wasn't near it talking about how I was "sponsored" and how I "acted like I owned the company". I never got to talk to them but I would have liked to have had the chance to tell them that I do in fact own the company. ;)

...and I damn near bottomed out the Mag's too on a Black Eyed Pea's CD. Haha. That was pretty cool.

Oh yeah, thanks mang!

PS: Big D might have a Mag in his Magnum pretty soon. :slayer:

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Oh yeah, there were a few guys from a shop down the road that were walking around my car when I wasn't near it talking about how I was "sponsored" and how I "acted like I owned the company".  I never got to talk to them but I would have liked to have had the chance to tell them that I do in fact own the company.  ;) 

lol sponsoring yourself :P

congrats on the placings :)

how many others were in your class?

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nice job Nick,

don't worry about the stupid losers who do not know what they are talking about

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lol sponsoring yourself :P

congrats on the placings :)

how many others were in your class?

There was one other guy in my class - the guy with 6 BP 12's in a wall that did the 146'ish.

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1 cube per 12 sealed.  :)

WOW, I wonder what you would hit with them ported!

Hicks was doing over a 50 with his ported :)

But I loved the way they sounded in the 'teg...very good transient response and attack. Even though I didn't get a chance to really hear the front stage that beat me :slayer:

Hopefully at the TSX show.

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Glad to see you have fun nick... also got the mags installed in the dudes ghetto box... ill have to actually build him something that doesnt sound like crap, but hey it works

the teg sounds absolutely amazing by the way.... i want my rex to sound like that i want it to NOW

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my front stage ownz!

i dont even think the judges thought my truck was apart of the truck show lol

you are the man harvey. dave told me to score your car very low so take it up with him lol

on a serious note..i had fun at the show. Thanks to Dave Edwards for getting this event going for us. :fing34: the sq part was very cool. nice sounding cars and people seemed very interested in learning how to make their stuff sound better. in my opinion, it was a lot better than the past meca shows that i attended.

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I honestly thought I was going to get my ass handed to me in the SQ arena. I know I'm not the only one who thinks that way either - the SQ competition has that stigma to it IMO - that if your car doesn't sound like a $50k home audio system you need not apply. I'm glad I entered though.

At the next competition if anyone wants to hear the setup just come over and ask me. I love demoing the car so it's no big deal at all.

When I had my car opened up playing music Nick M. and I found out that the amp was moving a LOT on the amp rack so we took the end caps off and tightened the amp back down. Apparently screws just aren't going to cut it so I'm going to use all-thread rod and locking nuts on it so it doesn't move around anymore. That, and deadening the doors more to get rid of that damned resonance will be the projects to tackle before the next show.

And speaking of deadening for that resonance in my doors, is there going to be an RTA at the next show? I'd like to see if my by-ear-EQ method has worked or not and where I need to adjust more. I've got two more bands of EQ that I'm not using and I have a feeling that I could put them to good use with an RTA.

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only time your going to get on a rta around here is if u go to the meca show the first weekend of june....

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IF you didn't have that Tara Labs wire, you'd have lost! :D

Great to hear though, you pompous ass self-sponsored arrogant prick. :D

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pix of Nick with trohpies needed!!

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IF you didn't have that Tara Labs wire, you'd have lost! :D

Great to hear though, you pompous  ass self-sponsored arrogant prick. :D

LOL! I know right?! What kind of a stupid-ass company pays gazillions of dollars for a stupid install and sends a dude to competitions?

...if only those guys knew the truth. Haha.

And Dave, who the HELL gave you permission to post that pic?! :lol: I still want your sexy arse to give me a trophy next time. I got medallioned (is that a word?) by you, but not trophied.

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PS: Dave, I didn't know you lived to close to the show or I would have taken you up on the invite to your casa.

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Nick----next time I will make SURE you get trophyed(SP) by me AND you come over and hang out at the casa-----as long as Ramos is there too---Ramos+Jim=laughs like hell!!!

good time yesterday!!!

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MAn, you look like Steve Brown in that photo.

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