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Worst shipping/customer service ever!

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Most all other sites or brands would delete a topic like this. I will leave it up as any other topic in hopes that if people see it they will read it.

I would leave it up as well... if you run a business then you should never had anything to hide. good or bad

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Most all other sites or brands would delete a topic like this. I will leave it up as any other topic in hopes that if people see it they will read it.

I would leave it up as well... if you run a business then you should never had anything to hide. good or bad



You should tell that to more than a few brands on other forums. ;)

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Most all other sites or brands would delete a topic like this. I will leave it up as any other topic in hopes that if people see it they will read it.

I would leave it up as well... if you run a business then you should never had anything to hide. good or bad

Exactly what I think. This is why I like SSA. The good and the bad stays up even though this was not a bad thread or a threat to SSA company lol

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I don't. But then, I'm an a**hole.

now only if we could only get a couple other people on bere to admit such

*cough* ///M5 *cough*


///M5 isn't an asshole he just tells you how it is and doesn't sugar coat things. He makes you think about your posts. Theres a few more people like him! Honestly I think that's how more should be! smile.png


Can't lie, his posts infuriate me sometimes, but I can't argue the accuracy of them. 

Mostly irritating because he's usually right though lol  shrug.gif

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what do you expect with some of the stupidity that come through here,just saying

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I don't. But then, I'm an a**hole.

Even face to face I call myself an asshole. I just don't pull punches as that is not beneficial. I also truly want everyone to learn, the day you stop learning is the day you start dying.

now only if we could only get a couple other people on bere to admit such

*cough* ///M5 *cough*


///M5 isn't an asshole he just tells you how it is and doesn't sugar coat things. He makes you think about your posts. Theres a few more people like him! Honestly I think that's how more should be! :)

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Wow did my phone Fuck up that quote....my response is in the middle

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Sean's an asshole, deal with it. He is also one of the smartest guys I have ever talked to. You could learn a lot from him if you took the emotion out of posting on a forum.

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Sean's an asshole, deal with it. He is also one of the smartest guys I have ever talked to. You could learn a lot from him if you took the emotion out of posting on a forum.

So right! Seriously everything he has ever said to me I have found out to be right or the better way.

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ok once again was a joke.. reminds me of this kid on 360haven who mods games... so im just fuckin around with him a little.. never said he didnt no his shit.. also didnt no he had bieber status on the forums.. its like hes trolling for bad post and calling people out for not knowing as much... I find it funny to mess around with people like him is all... was unaware of the seriousness of my offenses...

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^^watch out with the ellipsis use too. LOL.




To the original topic- this guy just came on here and made himself look like an asshat.  I agree that the best thing about this board is that if it is BS- it will get called out.  And they don't delete topics.  Boards that do that are shady IMO.

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^^watch out with the ellipsis use too. LOL.


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meeeeee tooooo.........










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if you love them learn how to use them

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Horrible run-on sentences with ellipsis is not the way to go

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if you love them learn how to use them


ninja.gif   I tried. I went and read the link you put up a while back.  It confused my simple mind.  So I just quit using them.LOL

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The point has been made.   Let's keep the OT in OT.

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