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4 Sundown SA-8v2 d2s For Trade

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I am thinking about trading or maybe even selling my SA-8s. They were not used very long. I couldn't get my box to sound right. So I just took em out and they have been sitting in my closet for a while. I have decided to just go big or change 8s

I would be interested in:

DC 8M3s

DC lvl 6 18 m3

DC lvl 5 12s

Crescendo BC3.5k (or similar)

Crescendo BC2k (or similar)

maybe something else (nothing mainstream like kicker or rockford or jl...)

DC Audio has priority...but feel free to offer up

As for selling...offer up but lowballs will be ignored. Remember that these are lnib


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Price for all four??

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Sorry guys. I have been busy and forgot to check here.

But not separating unless an amazing deal comes up.

But $600 plus shipping...

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Ugh I was excited till I seen v2... :*( I need two v1 dual 2ohms.

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