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18" frames

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Will the Zv3's utilize the new frames or will they keep the ones they have now?

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Will the Zv3's utilize the new frames or will they keep the ones they have now?


Jacob is gone for CES, may take a while for a proper response.

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More than likely keep the 6 spoke. These people kill me running the huge surround and huge spiders on subs that the motor is not made for 40 mm excursion. Pointless. If motor isn't capable of the excursion the surround and frame were developed for then it's not necessary and will only make prices higher.

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It will work with an X coil or Zv3 coils. You cannot use a Zv4 coil with those parts in the Zv3 motor. As far as I know. I would keep the parts you have now. 

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