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Bush Caught for Piracy!!

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Priceless, President Bush is in trouble with the RIAA.

p2p news / p2pnet: RIAA (Recording Industry Association of America) chieftain Mitch Bainwol today hand-delivered a p2p file sharing subpoena to US president George W. Bush, say sources.

George W. has been video-taped openly admitting he plays music by The Beatles on the BushPod.

The Big Four Organized Music cartel's RIAA is now after him for stealing copyrighted downloads.

"We have to be seen to be scrupulously fair," says Bainwol. "We've subpoenaed more than 18,000 men, women and children for doing the same thing, so we can hardly ignore Predent Bush's transgressions, even if he is our leader."

Recordings by The Beatles are sacrosanct and the remaining Beatles have only just agree to allow the band's works to be posted online.

You can see the Sky.com video of Bush admitting that he's a file sharing thief hxxp://www.sky.com/shared/videoasx/0,,bushipod_p4331-31200-bb,00.asx here and just to be safe, we also have a copy hxxp://www.p2pnet.net/stuff/bushriaa.wmv

Even given that the President may own original copies of all the albums on his Ipod, it is still illegal to copy any copyrighted record in any form.  Just like with movies "back-ups" and copying the media to other devices is still considered piracy even if for private use and is prohibited.

They only "legal" way to have songs on your Ipod is to download them from a online site like I-tunes.  However, has pointed out, it would have been impossible for the President to do thiswith the Beatles records which have only been avaliable for download after this interview.

lol i found that rather humorous

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if you have the original copy's why the fudge do they care. thats what doesnt make any sense to me.

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they don't care..they are just being asses...

it is funny thought that Gdub got popped though..lol...but it shows he's human and even the rich like free stuff.

wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee :slayer:

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I'm with Goddy on this one. WTF, I can't listen to music that I have bought and paid for??? Effin Ipod crap, I'll never own one.

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I think RIAA needs to pull the stick outa their ass and chill out with this recording stuff... IMHO

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This happened a good three or four years earlier with the MPAA and DeCSS with DVD's, and nobody raised a stink about it - maybe because the level of knowledge needed to be able to use the decryption software at the time wasn't as easy as copying an MP3 file, for example. But nobody said a thing when Jack Valenti went after people claiming "fair use" on their Linux machines...

And nobody said a damn thing when the DMCA was signed by Pres. Clinton before he left office...

Nobody pay any attention to these sorts of things until they sneak up and bite people in the ass, apparently.

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I wonder what his favorite Beatles tune is...

"You say you want a revolution..."

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Is that you on the bike iagrdshaka? I've been wondering that...

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