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Trying to decide for temporary set up

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Due to certain events in my life the build with the Chrysler 300 is getting put off, but I still want to have a little more bass in the bronco in the mean time.

The only thing I have left to buy for the build in the 300 is two more pm1s, 1 more crescendo 3500, and the wardens.

I had plans to sell the Sp4 18 I currently have, and buy one of the Warden 21s.

So I bought one of the warden 21 yesterday, but I am having second thoughts considering the warden is more geared towards higher frequencies that what I am used to. 

Also due to the fact there are no specs posted, and no one really knows anything too helpful about the new wardens.

I haven't sold the SP4 yet because there aren't too many people around here that know anything about car audio, All the people I know that want the 18 don't have the money right now.

I realized that the Sp4 fits my low frequency listening habits, so the thought I had was to buy another Sp4 while I wait till I have the time and money to wall the 300.



I would have to cancel my order for the 21, but for now doesn't it seem like the best choice for nearly instant gratification?

Would love your guys thoughts, what would you do?

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You have to call incriminator for specs and shit. Not to sure how much different the warden changed from the last model but I had one of the older warden 21s last year tuned to 31 hz in a 9.5 cube box and it got plenty low for me.

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