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Blues BL10 Modeling

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Guys ... My apologies for posting here. i knew better ...


To the op ... I personall think that you should listen to these people here and go with what ever drivers suit your application the best ...

Best of luck with your system ...


I think I will finally join my team mates and promise myself to never post on this forum again ...

Just too much of a hassle ... Again, thanks SSA

Don't blame us when you post misinformation. That's not our fault.

He's not posting misinformation, just opinion.  

Explicitly stating there is something extraordinary about them is misinformation. The rest is as Sean stated misinformed opinion, which is equivalently bad..

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I'm not trying to start a war, but it kind of erks me that the only response I can get from the Blues side is that cabin gain will significantly raise low end extension. Please correct me if I'm wrong...


Cabin gain will be different in EVERY vehicle.

The boosted/dropped frequencies from cabin gain will be different in every vehicle.


I can't imagine basing my decision on the theoretical "maybe" of cabin gain extending low frequency. It is much easier via DSP to adjust having too much of certain frequency areas, then to hope and pray that cabin gain will bring them up. I can always turn it down, but I can't make something out of nothing.


I'm confused on the point as well. The iso kit performs well at ~1 cu ft @ 31Hz, why wouldn't this be something to show?

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That's the responses you will get from blues followers, linear power/blues is the best but they can't tell you why. I would choose another driver. As mentioned above, it's really old technology.

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With the cabin gain comment, cabin characteristics can help and also negate response. Yes every vehicle is different

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That's what I thought. Q's killing me as I didn't want to have to push that much power.... but damn that Ethos is nice. Maybe I can run a pair of gcons in IB.

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They have never, ever, ever answered a question anywhere. Living on smoke & mirrors which is so unlike the past. Sucks too. There was a time in my life where I would have been happy to have another LP amp, but then the current asshattery started and there is no way in hell.

The severe lack of education in the responses and complete and utter nonsense is absurd. Nearly to the level of skarbage business ethics. No place for either in the modern world. Both styles of business should have died with the 3 martini lunch.

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