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Quentin Jarrell


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I want one of these!!!

I'll sell you a limited edition with my signature for 2,999.99$

If you make it 2,999.99 pesos we have a deal. I'm Mexican and I use pesos.

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Sub has been built into an 18. The gap is way too large for this coil however I'm still sending it for Klippel testing to verify that the BL curve is even. Once Klippel testing is complete it'll be put in use to see if anything needs to be addressed. M

As of now I will be...

Adding cooling to the motor. This was supposed to be done already but it was overlooked by the factory.

Found a little machining on the exterior of the motor to lose a little weight and help the flux path.

Have a rubber motor boot made.

Have custom terminal built that will allow the leads to fit better and allow 4 gauge wire.

As long as the BL curve isn't crazy off. I don't see it being a problem to have the factory to start production by the end of next month. This will have them in and avaliable for end of August or beginning of September.

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sweeet ill start saving now

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sweeet ill start saving now


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A ~8 percent loss of BL to 25mm one way ain't too shabby.  Suspension hit its limits this is why it was only measured to ~26mm one way.  When the production run comes in I'm going to get them to turn off the suspension limits and let it run until the spiders hit the basket.

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preliminary specs in 5 cube box tuned to 32.  These WILL change as I need to make the gap smaller to increase BL

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Quick off topic question, when will you be working on amps?

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Cheating from your screenshot:


Qts: 50
Vas: 190.0
Fs: 24
Re: .95
Xmax: 37.5
Qms: 12.65
Qes: .52
SPL: 91.50
Pe: 3000
BL: 15.26
Dia: .406
Sd: .119

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I was hoping for more pics, not less

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