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TJ Fields

Shipping back to Fi

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There is a problem with my Q 12, and I need to send it back to Fi to work on it. I got an email from Nick that says:


"The only thing I can think that may have happened is the coating that is on the top side of the cone body has delaminated. One out of every 1500 cones or so will run into this issue.


Print this email off, place it in the box and send it in to us. When we get it back in I'll check it out or another tech will check it out and see what's going on."


So do I not need a return authorization number? I just send the box with the email in it and that's it?


Also, does it matter how I ship it? Is USPS fine?


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Shipping doesn't matter but did you email him back and ask for a return number?

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make sure you ship properly back in the original packaging so you don't run into more problems. 

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