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Decisions decisions

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First if would like to say hi to everyone on the forum. I am 34 and have been buying stereo stuff since before i bought my first car. never got into box building or fabrication but i know a little bit about a thing or two lol. Ok  my lasst set up was a single ssd 15" powered by a Memphis 400watt 2 channel amp...i know not enough juice by the us amps i had been running fried. Well i sold that a few years ago and looking into buying a new set up for my 08 gmc envoy. Its not going to be for competing unless some little punk tries being stupid and i have to show off a bit. But i am needing help on a choice. i am trying to decide between 4 different subs right now. 

all are dual 15 set ups

fi ssd again

re sxxv2s

dc level 3s

ssa gcons


I have heard the ssds but not the others...all pretty much around the same price. right now looking at a massive n3 which is 1400 rms@1ohm but depending on selection and coil options will look at different amps. I want to go ported..listen to mainly rap and r&b with occasional korn or linkin park when im mad. Had originally thought about a single 15 set up with like a havoc, xl, bl or xcon, but realized going with 2 lower level subs get a lot more air movement. I appreciate all feedback as long as your not a douche lol thanks again

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Any of those options work. Personally I would get whichever is the cheapest out of the level 3 DC's and the Gcons. And I wouldn't throw out the idea of not having 1 15. Just because it doesn't move as much air doesn't mean you wont like the output and sound more than 2 cheaper drivers.

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Being a ssa forum i expected a lot of support for them. Havent ruled out single 15 or 18 set ups either. I just have not heard to many 18s that sound good on music. Really would like to be in the 145db area. Hit 142 with the single ssd with the 400vwatts so I imagine its possible with proper enclosure

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