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fi q question

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how much power could one safely put into a fully loaded Fi q 18? i got my sp4 fixed and will be testing some boxes but if i dont get the sounds i want i am going to sell it and buy another sub. the Q seems a logical choice as i want more frequencies but also want to keep the volume.  i am undecided on single or dual or sealed vs ported.


my thought was that if i replace the SP4 i would get 2 q's and thus have greater cone area with more control and higher bass frequency range. in my mind that would mean i could get more volume out of them than the sp4. the power handling would be close to the same

Edited by ncc74656

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Sounds like you have shitty boxes maybe. Why did you sp4 blow??? User error obviously, but how?

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it cought fire, set fire to my box and truck cab. It is assume it was being clipped by bass boost.

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I see... well how bout a suggestion... lose the idea of Q's.. they're great subs but the sp4 is an awesome one as well... you need to find the proper enclosure for what you want to do... port it for sure since you want "volume"

**********Most importantly make sure you understand and adjust your amplifier and HU settings first*******

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ive got a 32 channel EQ now so im about to go outside and do this.


ill post up on here what results i get with various boxes.

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Please be careful.. just saw your other thread...

Your electrical is not up to par... I'd go as far as to recommend going with a smaller amplifier like a kx1500 for now until you get your electrical sorted out

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how is my electrical not up to par?

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If your asking then stick to rms, your enclosure will determine what your sub can handle thermally and mechanically. Why so many threads about the same topic, just ask questions in your previous thread instead of making different ones.

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i have a mechman 320 alt...

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If your asking then stick to rms, your enclosure will determine what your sub can handle thermally and mechanically. Why so many threads about the same topic, just ask questions in your previous thread instead of making different ones.

wich would be better all around for the sub? a bigger or smaller enclosure?

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If your asking then stick to rms, your enclosure will determine what your sub can handle thermally and mechanically. Why so many threads about the same topic, just ask questions in your previous thread instead of making different ones.

wich would be better all around for the sub? a bigger or smaller enclosure?
in your case the manufacturer's recommendation

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