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fi sp4 recone?

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if it is bad ill just sell it, im not sure i want to keep it anyway. there is nothing down in the gap

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the sub is installed, took nearly an hour to get the damn thing mounted in the box. doing a virtical mount in theback seat is hard.


bass boost 0, gains 0% (dial on amp), all deck settings at 0 or off. max volume on deck provided next to zero bass, so little excursion that you really couldnt see the cone moving.


deck at +4 to sub, amp gain at 50% (dial on amp); at max deck volume it sounded about the same as my 15" 350W sub i had in there to get by with.


max volume on deck, 50% amp gain, +4 head unit, 1/3 bass boost; gave decent bass but still not as loud as i want.


so here is my question. how high of a gain should i do on this thing? i feel that i need to MAX the gain to get any power into the sub. How can i tell in real time if the signal is clipping?



I modded the box and added a second layer of wood on the inside of the drop down port thus correcting my error when building the box originally. this brings the box to a 32hz tune @ 7.27 cubic. the bass response sounds much better with this change, its able to more accurately reproduce differences in bass frequencies where as the previous build was kind of muddy through out certain frequencies. 


with no bass boost the dust cap is getting warm, im not sure what to do about this? how hot is to hot? i would like to know a temperature that is to hot so i can monitor it to be sure it does not catch fire again.


my voltage is holding steady at 13.5V which it did not do before, im sure the bass boost was causing the amp to try and pull way to much power and that is why my alt could not keep up.

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there is no longer any rubbing or noise when I push the coil in. it went away after a day of bumping.

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