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I have a dc level 4 (with atomic magnet) on an apk 2500.1 amp. When I play songs with high bass notes like Versace-Drake the amp cuts out and protects itself and stays in protect until I restart my car. I was wondering your guys Input on this problem as of right now I'm at a loss for ideas. I've tested all my wires and they all have power I have a extra battery on top of a 20 farad capacitor so power should not be a problem at all

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Stock alternator? And ditch the capacitor. 

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Yes stock alternator but have never had problems before until I switched the sub back to it's 8 gauge wiring it had. And what will ditching the cap do?

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The cap is doing more harm than good. What do you mean by "switching back to 8 gauge"? Most stock alternators cannot handle 2.5k on top of all of the stock demands. What is your alt rated at? Are you running any other amps? 

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I'm unsure what its rated at I am thinking it's rated at 90 or so. And I switched from 14 gauge speaker wire to 8 gauge speaker wire. That's when this problem started happening. But what I'm confused about is why it only happens on the high notes and not the lows

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Okay I figured it out I'm pretty positive.... My issue was that my negative and positive leads were touching causing it to spark and go into protect mode.. Partly because the leads on this sub are wired directly into the speaker wire and not into a terminal

Edited by Tjaden2

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that was going to be my suggestion


glad you found the issue

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Thank you guys for your input it is appreciated!!

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