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Port shape question

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Is it possible to to a T shaped slot port? I'm designing a box right now with 2 woofers and no divider. I was planning on making a L shaped slot port off to one side of the woofers, but got to thinking about putting the port in between the woofers and making it shaped like a T without a divider in the middle. No clue if this would work or if the velocity of the air coming from each side would create turbulence where they meet and make the port less efficient. I would put a divider in but I'm limited on space and a divider makes the port length longer per side and cause me to increase the size of the box to stay optimum and the dimensions are larger than I have to work with. So I'm stuck with both drivers using the same enclosure space and port... This is purely an aesthetics question because I think boxes look a bit goofy with 2 woofers next to each other and a port off to one side.

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Yes it can be done, but having the port in the middle takes up more space than a box with port on the side.

A good idea is to have port 45s where the 2 ports meet and go into the single.

Edited by Bassink

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Sweet, that's exactly what I was looking for. I wasn't thinking along the lines of the 45's so I'll have to see if doing it that way will allow me to stay within my dimensions, but essentially that's just what I'm trying to accomplish. Thanks for the info, I def appreciate it!

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Also, where the port "T's" off on each side should be half the total width of the port.  So if you have a 4" wide port each of the T's needs to be 2" wide.


Also, FWIW every time I did one of these in years past the tuning always came out higher than calculated.  I found some information where a person said to add that half width (2" as exampled above) to the port length to get the proper tuning.  The couple I've done since then and the few I've designed for others seem to come out much closer to tuning using that little tidbit of information.  I've yet to find any SOLID information as to calculating for these kinds of ports (everything you look up reads like you're supposed to use the calculated port length in this case) so I have no solid foundation on which to base this except for what little experience I've had doing it like this.


Maybe others with more experience can and will chime in.

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Great can't wait to hear.

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