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T/S for Fi Q with heat ring option

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I am just trying to find the T/S parameters for the heat ring option. I am wanting to add it to lower inductance but wanted to know what the new inductance would be. Secondly I will be putting 3500watts to a pair of Q 15's and dont believe I would need any extra cooling options. I will add the chamfering option but being on a tight budget I will probably skip the Bp/cooling option and just go with the standard Q.


I also wanted to know what the Mechanical Xmax is?


I only plan on using these to Xmax and less but I do like to know all parameters of my speakers before pushing them.


Thanks for any help from anyone.

Edited by chrapladm

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Right off the top of my head standard inductance is 4mH, so figure it'l be lower than that with the ring.


Xmech off the top of my head is around 40mm, but you run out of surround at 32mm, and xmax is 27mm which is the breaking point of linearity...I wouldn't push them past xmax as things start to lock up and you'll be buying stock in recones.


I dont plan on pushing these past Xmax. Just wanted to have these for a long time and wondered what was the breaking points was all. The Fi Q has a big hump in the response around 50hz so I was looking at adding the heating ring option to lower the inductance. That being said I could always eq the hump out of the response. But if I can I would prefer to just have a flatter response was all.


Regardless of that these are the best value 15" I can find for my purposes.  The other option was the ZV3 and thats many more dollars. So hopefully black baskets are sucessful and I should be getting my pair in the next month or so. Thanks again everyone.


I dont do much car audio but have used a few different 15's from FI in home theater subs with great success. This next adventure will be using them outdoors in tapped horn designs for outdoor cinema. Nothing like hearing subs outdoors putting out  80db's 1 mile away. Pure fun.

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I assume going for the higher qts you are using these sealed?

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No. I am keeping the lower Qts and using these in a Tapped Horn. Other wise these could not deliver the amount of SPL I need with just a pair. I can post a picture of my other tapped horn if you like to understand.

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Can't do low QTS and the inductance ring.

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Figures. I know when I looked at other options I was curious of this. While changing this or that I wanted to maintain a strong and powerful motor. More powerful the better. With cooling and heat rings I figured this may make the motor force not as strong. Qts/Qes of .35 or under and a Bl of 22+ would be ideal. I'll take what I can get and that will be the Fi Q standard then. Will not add the heat ring if this also changes everything else.

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Can't do low QTS and the inductance ring.

This. Sometimes people don't realize that.

I understand what you want to do but I'd like to see a pic of your other setup anyway. Just want to see what you have going on.

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NOt quite sure what your wanting a pic of?


The tapped horn I have now only has a Alpine Type S 15 in it. It works for now but I need a lot more SPL. If I built four of the Type S TH's I would be fine. BUT I would rather just have 2 subs as opposed to pushing around 4. So I need a bigger driver and thats where the Q comes in.


The inductance has been known for a while on other HT forums. I only hoped I could have the inductance lower but still have the powerful motor. I see now that I will lose some of the power and have a higher Qts woofer. There are some other manufacturers that said that they could make a low inductance woofer with low Qts like I stated earlier but that would take time. And this Q 15 will work just fine for me.

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