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2005 Elantra hatch FI SP4 build

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I'm afraid to put any more power to it. I didn't realize the windshield on these cars were made from saran wrap. At this point it's not if the windshield pops it's when. I personally like the sub. It plays flat in a huge range. I still haven't had time to meter it as I got extremely tired of building it. Alot of work goes in to these things. I personally see why good box builders charge so much.

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Was told I needed to update this with some updated pics. Still not done as I am awaiting my other amp to come back from repair. Hence the wire laying all over the place.













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Couple videos as well.



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Got cut short on the flex vid thanks to annoying texts. I will make sure to make another some time in the near future.

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Looks like I got some rearranging in order. :D



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Meh, shits weak.......wizzeak! ;)

That Crescendo should make the sub VERY HAPPY!

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Meh, shits weak.......wizzeak! wink.png

That Crescendo should make the sub VERY HAPPY!


Hell yah! See this was the answer I was looking for. Now I gotta try and find another and strap them together. Then maybe I could break that 150 in a street box on a single sub :D


Almost all 150's that i've seen broken on a single 18 have been with walls, 4th orders, and boxes with the port traveling the distance of the friggin vehicle. And even then it's rare as I've only seen 1 of those personally. I know there is a guy breakin a friggin 170 on a single sub with concrete walls, but let's be real though I want to actually play music too. I've yet to see a single 18 break the 50 mark in a street setup. We shall see I guess.

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2 day show in Louisville. First time trying out SQ so I got some great pointers after reading about all the theories. I set in a nice 3 way setup by Kyle Ragsdale. I really liked how 1 directional it sounded. It was as if I was in front row at a concert and they were singing to me in my face without going through a microphone. So after listening to this and hearing him out about how time alignment made a world of difference I proceeded to go fiddlin through my setup and in the end managed a 61.5. Not the best score, but I am getting closer to my goal of being happier with it. I still have plans to pickup 1 or 2 of the 2x4 minidsp's simply to throw a phase change to the 6.5's to bring up the stage a bit more. Currently I have the Kenwood 9990HD and I did mess with the depth with making it sound like the doors were further away which helped bring it up a bit, but centering was a bit more challenging still. I am still willing to take any pointers if there is anything else I can do to stretch the life out of my head unit before picking up the dsp's.

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Video flex video looks good. But why are you doing that shit in traffic?

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Video flex video looks good. But why are you doing that shit in traffic?


Because I'm a stupid 30 year old kid...

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However, what you didn't see was that it was dead stop. Enough for me to put it in park and pound it for a few seconds after seeing some kids in a beat up cadillac and they asked m turn it up after they heard me at low volume.

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However, what you didn't see was that it was dead stop. Enough for me to put it in park and pound it for a few seconds after seeing some kids in a beat up cadillac and they asked m turn it up after they heard me at low volume.


If you noticed the trophies I rarely ride with bass on. I prefer the SQ area so I only truly bump sitting still or when asked to turn it up. Hence why this weekend was my first time entering an SQ comp.

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