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Old Rockford 15s

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My friend Jhovani had 2 15in subwoofers in a blowthrough in his 1999 F150.

Jhovani came over today and he asked me if we could put his box from his bed into his cab.

So that's what we did.. Unscrewed the box from the mounts, cut the wire and freed the box.

This build was done probably 10 years ago so the truck and the subs weren't in the greatest condition.

The rattling from the truck and subs was horrendously loud from the interior and exterior.

He always told me he thought he had some old 15in JBLs over the last year or so, which JBL makes some high quality subs so I figured they pretty nice.

But it turned out they were the old Rockford Power HX2 15s as stated on the dustcap.

Anyways once we got them in the cab and rerouted the wires we noticed the passenger side sub, was what was rattling like crazy.

Originally when I heard his subs in the blowthrough it sounded like maybe one of them was blown.

I touched the dustcap and the rattling stopped, I figured it was the dustcap was loose at first, but realized it stopped when I also touched cone itself.

I tested if it was the cap by taping up the cap (typically from what Ive experienced, if its the cap the rattling will stop).

The rattling continued, so I decided it would be best if we took the woofer out and see if their is any internal damage visible.

As soon as we lifted it up  out of the box I realized this is Rockford's big 4in Voice coil sub.

Pretty cool as I have never seen a 4in coil before.



I looked over the sub, and initially didn't notice any damage, I lifted up the coil with the cone, and that made the issue very apparent.


The spider was almost completely detached except where the leads were.


I took some simple green cleaner, and cleaned the edge, and the rest of the sub as they were dusty.

Took some stripper and me and Jhovani rubbed the edge to try and clean and remove some of the old fragments of glue and such.

We then used some epoxy and coated the edges, we had a little trouble with that, because the tip had broken when I opened the epoxy.

As I was putting the epoxy on it was coming out the sides and everywhere, we lost most of the first tube...

We got most of the spider epoxied on, but there was a couple places namely by the leads where we didn't get enough, but I was out.

Currently we are waiting overnight for it to dry, and see if this fixes most of the rattling.


On a very good note the coils were shiny and looked brand new, which I thought was pretty impressive since he has hammered on these 15s for years.


Thought I'd post the little experience, since it was kind of an unexpected thing today. Some of you may find it interesting.

I don't know too much about older subwoofers, namely these, so you guys will have to give me a history lesson on these and your opinions smile.png

Sorry also if this in the wrong section, I figured this one would be fine though.










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Cool man they were some pretty badass subs. My buddy had a couple on an old rf bd1000 and they sounded great.

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Cool man they were some pretty badass subs. My buddy had a couple on an old rf bd1000 and they sounded great.

Thanks, Yeah I definitely had a good time today messing with these. Once he buys a new headunit we can finally listen to some decaf and see what they can really do.

He actually is running that amp too, I'm trying to convince him to buy a 2000w amp to put on these if we fix them.

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Lol, they aren't that old.  I still have some Punch 12s from 1994...  One new in the box... :)

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lol  true story!! they are old if your young :)


 but they were great subs when they came out... i always enjoyed them,  just a few months ago a 12 was floating around for sale here localy and i had to keep telling my self " you dont need it jon you have 6 15s in your living room collecting dust and complaints from dani you dont need it!!!!:"

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oh and   that should fix it no doubt, did you  check the coil to see if it was rubbing the motor? some times they coil will rock when the spider come off like that

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95Honda, you can mail that to me...the new one in the box


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lol...  No, there are a few old drivers I am going to hang on to...


There are also a pair of Punch Power 15s (1992ish) sitting in cardboard boxes at my folks house somewhere from when I was in high school...  Still have plans for those some day... 

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lol...  No, there are a few old drivers I am going to hang on to...


There are also a pair of Punch Power 15s (1992ish) sitting in cardboard boxes at my folks house somewhere from when I was in high school...  Still have plans for those some day... 


Power 15's with chrome motors?

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Lol, they aren't that old.  I still have some Punch 12s from 1994...  One new in the box... smile.png

Considering the oldest sub I have is a 1st Gen Alpine type R, it seems old to me :P


lol  true story!! they are old if your young smile.png


 but they were great subs when they came out... i always enjoyed them,  just a few months ago a 12 was floating around for sale here localy and i had to keep telling my self " you dont need it jon you have 6 15s in your living room collecting dust and complaints from dani you dont need it!!!!:"

Yeah you never know when you might get the urge to just hook all of them up in your living room for some realistically loud explosions. gheychase.gif


oh and   that should fix it no doubt, did you  check the coil to see if it was rubbing the motor? some times they coil will rock when the spider come off like that

I did check it cause I figured it would have done some damage without the spider, but the coil looked brand new, no rub or blemishes. Pretty surprising.

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lol...  No, there are a few old drivers I am going to hang on to...


There are also a pair of Punch Power 15s (1992ish) sitting in cardboard boxes at my folks house somewhere from when I was in high school...  Still have plans for those some day... 


Power 15's with chrome motors?

Older, 1st gen.  Stamped baskets and a big ass motor painted black.  High efficiency, almost like a big PA woofer with a foam surround...

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i got one them bad boys sittin in my closet. it was my first "real" sub i bought it 3-4 yrs ago brand new in the box for $200 blew one coil and slammed on one coil for a yr or so. them i put it in my cousins car and he cranked the amp up and it did the same this with the spider and he kept slammin it sayin it sounds "muffled" and ended up frying my coil and somehow shifting the motor and thats how it sets today waitin on me to buy parts......hope it works and they continue to slam

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