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I recently bought a MMATS 2100.2 thinking it was a 2100 rms at 2ohm amp only to find out it is really a 1550 watt RMS and 2100 watt peak amp. WTF!!!! I am really disappointed about this, I wouldnt think a great company like MMATS would be so misleading. I bought the amp to step up power to my IA Death Penalty, I had a Kicker ZX1500.1. Well when I pulled out the Kicker and replaced it I found to my suprise that the MMATS wasnt as loud as my other amp. The Kicker is adverised as 1500 watts but originally came with a birth sheet showing that it tested arround 1700 watts. So I guess Kicker actually under rates there amps while MMATS advertises 2100 watts and only produces 1550RMS.  The only thing that the MMATS has going for it is it is smaller and fits in my truck better.

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The only audible difference in the two amps is your settings. There is no way that you can hear a ~200 watt difference.

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The only audible difference in the two amps is your settings. There is no way that you can hear a ~200 watt difference.

Yeah but that is besides the point, I didnt buy a 1550 watt amp what I bought was a amp that is advertised as a 2100 amp. Very misleading!! Had I known it was a 1500 watt amp, I wouldnt have bought it, I already have one of those. I can feel the difference in the two.

Edited by Frank34

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I have a MMATs d2100.1 that I bought blown.  I sent it in to mmats and they upgraded the circuitry and repaired it.  Now it is definitely putting out more than 1550 I would say more like 2k.  This amp is a good investment.  They rate at 13.8V and I will run these amps for the rest of my life.  Try playing sine waves on it and see if you can tell a difference.  I will buy it from you if you don't want it =]  that kind of power @ 2 ohms for the footprint is awesome.

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The mmats is rated at 13.8, and I'm going to assume that the kicker is at 14.4. Even if the kicker is making more power (which I doubt),  there is no way that it is noticeable and it's just in your head because you think the kicker is more powerful. OR the settings are making the difference.

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The only audible difference in the two amps is your settings. There is no way that you can hear a ~200 watt difference.

Yeah but that is besides the point, I didnt buy a 1550 watt amp what I bought was a amp that is advertised as a 2100 amp. Very misleading!! Had I known it was a 1500 watt amp, I wouldnt have bought it, I already have one of those. I can feel the difference in the two.

Why did you even bother to "upgrade" from a 1500w amp to a 2100w amp?  The audible difference between those two will be zero.  The audible difference between the 1550w the amp is rated for and the 2100w you thought you were getting is likewise inaudible, so nothing to be upset about as you aren't actually missing out on anything.  And the difference in power between the MMATS and the Kicker is inaudible.


As was pointed out, the only possible difference creating the differences you are noticing could be a difference in amplifier settings.  And you even said it was smaller and fit in your truck better, I'd consider that worthwhile if the difference in size is significant.

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  • MMats doesn't have subsonic or bass boost.  If that's what you wanted, you should have stuck with the kicker.

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Kickers don't have an ssf either if I remember correctly.

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Kickers don't have an ssf either if I remember correctly.

If its newer, I'm pretty sure they do.  Not positive though. 

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Even tho its not audible I dislike company's who rate there amps like that. Not a mmats fan personally but just goes to show homework should be done before purchasing an amp.

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Actually I misspoke, I think it is fixed at ~28hz.

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Not a fan of Mmats myself. We had two (1400.2 & 3000.5) and both were sent back for noise issues and were told to check our wiring. We changed nothing in either build, but the sub amp and like magic no noise. Go figure...

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They are a bit noisy but whats a little pop or engine noise for a rated output at the small footprint cost.  I still stick behind these amps but of course I'm not an SQ competitor. 

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They are a bit noisy but whats a little pop or engine noise for a rated output at the small footprint cost.  I still stick behind these amps but of course I'm not an SQ competitor. 

No bueno

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Almost positive kicker is fixed @ 25hz

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Yeah the Kicker has a fixed SSF and it has bass boost and a remote bass knob, I turned off the bass boost and compared them both and there is really no difference in the two but I do like the Remote bass knob that is on the Kicker but the MMATS does fit in my truck better, it is alot smaller than the Kicker. The MMATS only has a Frequency adjustment and a gain adjustment. I am going to leave the MMATS in my truck becuase I do have limited space. I have a 1992 Toyota extra cab 4x4 with a 12" IA DP in a 2.5 cu box tuned to 34Hz with this amp, I guess I really didnt need to upgrade. Both amps push this sub hard, louder than you can really stand in that small area.

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Wow people should do research before throwing out misinformation. It takes less than a minute to find out what kind of SSF the Kicker amp has.

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The SSF on the Kicker ZX 1500.1 is just a on/off switch, it has no adjustments on it.

And the frequency is fixed at 25hz. My mistake for saying "~28".

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There's a cool website now that will tell what you need to know about things before you piss your money away. It's called Goggle or Google, something like that. Give me a minute and I'll search for it.

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