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Mag 15 and 12 owners...........

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If you want reviews on the Magnum 12's, go to www.caraudio.com and do a search for the word "Magnum". You will find LOTS of posts and reviews about them.

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Well i have two 15's in my acura integra, they rattle your brains out (which is what i wanted :D ). they are being powered by a rockford fosgate 1501bd power mono block amplifier. wow they pound your chest, i am afraid to turn them up. i have yet to find someone who can pound at my level.

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You're not the same Scuba Steve from SOUNDDOMAIN who's ripped a bunch of people off are you????!!!! :boxin:

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This is Steve that lives in my home town. I don't know about the whole SOUNDDOMAIN thing. I still can't believe that he installed two 15" Mag's in an Acura Integra HB. That's just nuts. :o

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Good to hear. I just remember reading several threads lately at SD. They have a feedback section for the classifieds and there is a scoobasteve on their that has quite a few people very angry with him. Just trying to look out for our other members.

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  Tirefryr said:
You're not the same Scuba Steve from SOUNDDOMAIN who's ripped a bunch of people off are you????!!!! :boxin:

If it was, he probably wouldn't say so. ;)

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  Electrodynamic said:
This is Steve that lives in my home town. I don't know about the whole SOUNDDOMAIN thing. I still can't believe that he installed two 15" Mag's in an Acura Integra HB. That's just nuts. :o

yea but i think that would be awesome :boink:


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