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tpec nocurt

a question about 12V, 14V, 18V output.....

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I have noticed on DCsoundlab the difference in RMS output power from 16V to 18V




4 ohm  900W x 1

2 ohm 2,300W x 1

1 ohm 5,000W x 1


1 ohm 16V 6,000W x 1


1 ohm 18V 7,300W x 1




These are the specs for the DC 5K.



Now when the bass hits hard on my current 12V setup, I dip from 14.4V to 12.3V


If I ran an 18V setup, and dipped to 16.3V while playing music, does that mean the RMS output power would dip at least 1,000 watts?


Thank you.

Edited by tpec nocurt

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Assuming that all specs are measured appropriately you would have a drop of that size. It would not be audible though as long as you were setup for safe output at 14.4 and 16.

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