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Kings 07 Avalanche Walled 6 Team Fi 15's on 3 DC 9k's :)

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So I finally decided to start a build log on here.I had sort of one in the photography thread awhile back. Im in the process of building a wall for 6 of the Fi Team Series 15's on 3 DC 9k's and a ton of other extras. This will be my third build and I have done everything on my own except the doors and VU-Din/Volt meter setup which I had my Italian shop in Italy do. So here are some pics of the old setup and some pics of the new build coming here shortly. Pics arent in any specific order but best score with the 4th order and 2 18" N2's was a 152.9 sealed. Never did the door open in the kick as i prefer sealed up numbers.It could also play music at a 51 for 1 min which the Italian's call War Machine LoL. Well enjoy and let me know what you think.





















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Looks.real nice! I've always liked those trucks.

Did you ever meter on the ported wall?

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waiting for more pics..

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Tittle change!!!

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Tittle change!!!

Title maybe? :P:

Op more pictures, how do you like those MTX speakers?

Edited by jay-cee

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Looks.real nice! I've always liked those trucks.

Did you ever meter on the ported wall?


I never had a wall. Im building one now but the 4th blowthrough Legal was a 152.9 at 37hz. That was my best score to date.




waiting for more pics..


Coming :)


Tittle change!!!

Title maybe? tongue.png:

Op more pictures, how do you like those MTX speakers?


The MTX speakers were okay but they didn't like power much. I blew 2 the first week I had them so I turned the amps down. Then had 2 about to go out before I moved back from Italy. They are out now except the tweeters which I kept in and put a special twist on them :)

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These are the amps that are running the front doors. STEG K201 and K203. They will be somewhere in the bed for this build







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Alright so lets get to the new build. I returned from Italy in December and got my truck in Feb if I remember correctly. I had already started ordering stuff I needed and selling things i wont need in order to buy new things. Now to the pics


2 of the 3 9ks that will be going in





2 of the 3 DC Power 370XP alts. These are actually being sent in so I can run them on a 16v setup.Initially I was sticking to 12v but later changed my mind







And of course the truck when she got to her new home.She made it back in one piece this time but she will need new rims cause being on that salt water for 2 months caused the rims to start peeling.







More pics coming soon. Please feel free to leave your questions and comments. Thanks

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Glad to see she didn't get messed up on the trip this time! I'll be watching this rebuild for sure. Good luck!

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Glad to see she didn't get messed up on the trip this time! I'll be watching this rebuild for sure. Good luck!


Thanks man.

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Got a whole bunch of boxes of goodies. 4 of the subs and a bunch of wire and deadner. Still need more deadner and wire smile.png











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Mouth drop

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Nice kicks

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Looks fantabulous!!!

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Nice kicks


Thanks man and thats just a small portion of the shoes I have. Last I checked I had like 40 pairs still in the boxes but i been selling them to help fund this build.


Looks fantabulous!!!



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Nice kicks

 Thanks man and thats just a small portion of the shoes I have. Last I checked I had like 40 pairs still in the boxes but i been selling them to help fund this build. 

Looks fantabulous!!!


Subs look amazing, updates are always great.

I just sold 30 pair myself, but not for audio. Another expensive hobby that I have.

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Nice updates. What size do you wear? Hell I'll buy a few if they're a 9 lol. Care to take more pics of the Subs man? Just from like different angles, I'm very interested in them for sure! 

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Oh never mind, you wear a size 13. Too big lol.

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LoL yeah man I wear a 13. I can get some more pics for you later. Trying to stay moving getting this shell together right now. Your sig says your running the Evil. How you like it?

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You've come a long way!



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LoL yeah man I wear a 13. I can get some more pics for you later. Trying to stay moving getting this shell together right now. Your sig says your running the Evil. How you like it?


Well go do work son! haha. Yeah man, I love it, gave a few demos today at a local car show, it really got down today! haha. Maybe since the weather is warming up, who knows. The overall sound of it is the best feature in my opinion. Just the impact and accuracy of every note is just crazy.

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You've come a long way!





LMAO. Damn you had to repost that didn't you. Shitty prefab box with Kicker L7's on a Hifonics amp that I dont remember the size. Yeah I will have to say I have stepped way up. That Evil is a power hungry monster also.

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You've come a long way!





LMAO. Damn you had to repost that didn't you. Shitty prefab box with Kicker L7's on a Hifonics amp that I dont remember the size. Yeah I will have to say I have stepped way up. That Evil is a power hungry monster also.


hahahhaha, just phucking with you man. Good shit though, we all started there. I wouldn't say "power hungry", because on 600 watts it got damn loud. Maybe just power capable? haha. I don't know how to say it, but it takes the power I give it with no problem. I would say this, I'm fairly confident that it could take 6500 all day every day. 

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Now the start of the wall build. Enjoy and remember this is my first wall build















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