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 it not 65 lbs first off lets get that out of the way...



and if its in the same packing i sent it in.. yes it is....... i have bought countless subwoofers.  and the way i packed it is the best way... and i can not see any reason why he would pack it another then he recoved it....


 the shipping box is so good infact i asked him to return it i would pay for shipping  back to me!!!  but he had plans from jump. and knew he would be selling a woofer sooner or later and  would need a GOOD shipping box...


 bro.. usps is filled with older people.. a heavy box like that comes down the line they drop it i promise you ..... when i got those Zcons nic watts build wooden shipping crates and the other sub i have here with me was hangin out of the box, and the crate was broken.. but all was well...


 is insured bro.. calm down take a second.. i know your hot and you feel like you were wronged. but think about it... why do they offer insurance if noting gets broke!!!!????


 shit happends.


Check the photos bro.  That is not nearly enough packaging effort in order for me to receive and compensation from USPS.  The chips in the basket are clearly from unmounting the sub while horizontal with the trunk.  And he clearly stated to me that both coils read 2.4.  aone is reading 1.8 as it should, so he lied to me.  I know you want to cover your own ass for what you sold him, but be real dude. 


Check your paypal bassink, a dispute has been opened.  You are negligent in this case. 

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im stepping away this has nothing to do with me i just wanted to make sure that it was known that when i sold it  the sub was fine.... i dont want this coming back on my name....



 now with that said..   i hope your not saying that they were removed or pulled in and out horazontialty in my trunk.. because that is impossible....  i wish i could pull subs that easily. i have to  count on a friend to show up and pull my box from my car to do anything with my subs.


 like i said im done here...


 good luck, i hope that usps takes care of you on this matter.

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It was not taken out horizontally in my car either since the box was 4 inches away from trunk lid. It's impossible to do that.

I can't check PayPal at the moment. I'm at the carnival in town with my little brother. I will when I get home.

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This had nothing to do with shipping.  It had to do with the seller packaging.  And this has nothing to do with the condition you sold the sub in, Bigjon.  Its the condition he sold it to me after he used it.  He is negligent in this transaction, and is clear as day.  The coils are black and this thing is stinky just sitting here.  Proper adverstisement of items and proper packaging is what we learn here today.  USPS will not refund anything to me, as the shipping outer box is in good condition.  They did as they should, but not the seller. 

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I put insurance on it for a reason. Damages during shipping happen like this. We can take this up with USPS and PayPal. I defended my self and I know I am not responsible for these damages.

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I think I have to file the claim though. I will do that tomorrow morning when the post office opens up.

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I put insurance on it for a reason. Damages during shipping happen like this. We can take this up with USPS and PayPal. I defended my self and I know I am not responsible for these damages.

If you claim it is USPS that fucked this sub then take action and contact the carrier.  In the mean time.  I'm taking a huge loss and am going to proceed with purchasing a recone and a new basket.  For 90$ more I could have bought a brand new ZCON and there wouldn't be any of this headache.  The sub is worthless with burnt ass coils and a fucked up basket.  I sold a sub I planned on having the rest of my life cause its SQ was so fantastic.  It also arrived at its new owners doorstep today, and I have gotten feedback that it is in perfect condition.  I am in the negative now because you are a bad seller. 


Karma will come back around in this game and bite you. 


And when it does.  I hope it is tragic...you lied bro.

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Oh, and of course..I have to wait for paypal to demand the refund from you.  Just pay for the recone, I'll cover the basket, and call it quits.  I will close dispute if you follow up on the refund I asked for.

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this is what the coil looks like.  LOL. 


Your gain on your amp isn't a wattage knob. 

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Hopefully you didn't set this up and do all this damage yourself on accident and are blaming me for this. I can't do any legal claim since its closed right. I said i will in the morning.

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Hopefully you didn't set this up and do all this damage yourself on accident and are blaming me for this. I can't do any legal claim since its closed right. I said i will in the morning.

LOL.  If I got my woofer in the condition I paid for it to be in,  I would have it in my trunk by now with a txt saying "thanks."  Instead I have to wait for all this to blow over blah blah before I rip it up.  I'm still ordering a recone and a new basket because I can't use this...bro

Edited by cloud77

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The coils are dark to start with.

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