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Which 10" sub for sealed application

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Hi All,


Would like some advice from those who have heard them. I have a sealed box that has appx .75 cubes after displacement. It has to be sealed and I prefer sealed anyhow. I put two Sundown SA-10's in there (yes I know they are better ported but my son has sa-12's sealed and sound great) but they just aren't doing it. Maybe some of it is because I'm used to my son's 12's but it seems like the 10's aren't hitting all the frequencies. They sound amazing with certain songs but not so great with others. I listen to mainly rock and metal btw.


They are running off an AQ2200d and are going under the back seat of a 2012 Dodge Ram running at 1ohm.


Anyhow, I would like to go with either the FI SSD or FI Q subs with the high QTS option. I won't be going ported so I'm not worried about resale and all that. I've also considered the SSA GCON. I'm pretty sure I can fit the Q's in there as they are only a half inch deeper.


The RMS on the Q's is 1500 watts and my amp will only be pushing 900 or so realisticly after box rise and all that other fun stuff. Therefore, what would everyone suggest? The SSD's are about perfect for the power I have.


Also, is the cooling option worth it for a daily driver?


Thank you for the feedback.

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