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So I'm going to try to make a return after about a year of family problems, blown marriages, excessive school, and a lack of the addiction....

I first want to say hi. I'm sorry I haven't been around. I've gone through hell and back with some of life's more rough situations. I stopped logging AIM for a good while and as such, lost contact with many of my very close friends from here.

I have a new AIM name: fifteenfeetoff. You can get ahold of me here from now on as I have it on now for pretty much the entire day. I won't be able to be a post whore like I once was, but I lost the time for a great hobbie I had...and I'd like to get that back.

I'll be looking at some new amps come the end of this school year to replace the Orion's I have. I am also looking into a new deck with more flexibility (I've always wanted an eclipse).

It will take some time getting back into the mix of things. I learned a lot here..and I lost a lot. I'm going to do my best to get it back with the help of some of my very good friends.

Ryan, the car still is too slow. Hollis, your mom says hi. Jacob, pick up the phone already. Damian, I hope you still don't have a Honda. Nick, I have more claws than you do.

I'm back female doges.


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YEs, the car will ALWAYS be too slow. YOu can never go fast enough. Welcome back homie! Hope everything is well.

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You were gone?

wb biatch

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You called? My phone must be messed up or something as I haven't had any missed calls that are displaying to me.

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welcome back

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Hello Sir,

Good to see you back, wondered when you were going to make your triumphant return.. :D

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