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I think I broke it....please advise

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As most of you know I am running 2 XCON 15s.  The other day I let my player go into a sweep of 20-60hz, obviously way below my tuning. My amps do have a set ssf at 28hz. However, my subs bottomed out like crazy for a couple seconds(stopped before I could run to deck to turn down). Now I am having issues with one of the subs. When I say issues its very confusing. I don't seem to have lost any output, BUT when I watch the subs play its almost as if they are "out of phase" with each other. The left sub is BARELY moving at low volumes and even at higher volumes on steady tones. On some songs it seems to move just as much as the other, but on most songs AND tones it is barely moving. and again, when it does move it doesn't match the other sub. I turned them up this morning and listened for any distress in them and in the left one I can hear the faintest sound. At first I thought it was an interior panel rattling but im pretty sure its the sub. What could I have done? is it a loose lead? is that why it doesn't seem to "move" like the other sub? why do I have at least what seems like, the same output as before?


Im begging for advice from ANYONE, I have NO idea what I could have done and the unloading the other day is the only thing I can think of that might have damaged them. For what its worth I have pressed on both subs and they both feel ok no rubbing or anything like that.


PLEASE help.

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Get a DMM and pull the sub so you can read the ohm load

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I would remove them from the box and look them over and check the coils for starters. The get a 9 volt battery and pop test each coil.

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Pull them out of the box and check for damage. Check for loose wiring as well.

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I heard a sub bottom out and it is a terrible sound to hear. Like a loud "clacking" noise. Break out the DMM and ohm those bad boys out as mentioned earlier. How do you have your SSF set? Were you running full tilt or what? Clipping?

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any wires specifically? meter the coils, not the amp output correct? pop test?

sorry guys, this is new to me, the subs ive had before were literally throw away when they f'ed up.

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Yes is sounded TERRIBLE. sounds awful but I literally about cried hearing it after dropping the cash I did for them lol

ssf is set at 28hz, im sure there was some clipping to be honest with you.


The only dmm I have is the 5 dollar job from harbor freight, I don't trust it for anything. Should I borrow a better dmm for accurate results? I cant even trust this dmm for alt output, its all over the place


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9 volt battery positive/negative to positive/negative on each side of the speaker to see if you get movement with the sub. This would indicate coils are good.


I would try the DMM you have, and see what you get. In the future you can always get a better one, like Craftsman, or something similar. Fluke is the king of DMMs. Wal-mart is said to carry a good model DMM also, but I couldn't tell you since mine is from Craftsman.

Edited by R3dt34rz

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im gonna invest in a decent one soon. so a 9 volt battery to one side of sub at a time will tell me something? does it sound like one coil is bad by the way its acting?

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im gonna invest in a decent one soon. so a 9 volt battery to one side of sub at a time will tell me something? does it sound like one coil is bad by the way its acting?

Will tell you if both coils are working properly. Go through with the tests of taking a ohms reading and trying the 9v battery on the coils as mentioned. You will know for sure then.

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I assume I use the ohm setting on the dmm? the lowest it goes to is 200 so set it to that then touch the leads together to see their resistance?

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Both coils showing 2.3 but I say again this dmm is shit

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Get yourself a cheap DMM, what I am thinking is your snapped a sandwiched lead inside the spider pack on one of the subs.  Check the impedance of each coil, chances are one of them won't give you a reading as it's snapped internally from over excursion.

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I assume I use the ohm setting on the dmm? the lowest it goes to is 200 so set it to that then touch the leads together to see their resistance?

Yea set to ohms.

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nm, got to borrow a real dmm by fluke, one coil is 1.2 and the other is 1.0

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Get yourself a cheap DMM, what I am thinking is your snapped a sandwiched lead inside the spider pack on one of the subs.  Check the impedance of each coil, chances are one of them won't give you a reading as it's snapped internally from over excursion.

is impedance what I just checked?

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9v battery test is good, the speaker comes out just a fraction when I touch the battery to it

Also, visually I do not see any problems with this sub everything that I know to check looks good.

keep in mind this is only one of the woofers and is the one I thought was making noise and also the one that was not moving very much.


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from what im seeing your only checking one of the subs...


 the one thats moving a little im guessing, ...... well i would like to know what the readings are on the other sub...  i think that one may be  the issue,


 and im going with a single broken lead as well...


 and dont worry about a fluctuation of 1.0 and 1.2 your looking for 000000

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I may have misread that Jon but the coils on one sub are 1.0 and 1.2

I am going now to get a good dmm to check the other sub, I only had the one out when the guy stopped by to let me use his fluke meter

You may be right, it may be the sub that "acts normal" that is my prob, I will have it out and checked within the hour.

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OK guys.

All FOUR coils read 0.8ohms with the meter I went and bought (50 bucks)

All FOUR coils pass the 9v battery test.

I see NO problems visually with either sub.

Could this be a box issue? The only thing not completely sealed is where my wires go into side of box to hook to sub.

Could it be an rca cable issue? I have one set for subs and use the pass through on one of them to get rca to other amp.


Only other thing I have noticed with my system is 3 times now my HIGHS have cut out at full tilt. That being said my box was basically against my highs amp when this occurred.


Would a free air test of the subs be advised/beneficial for anything?


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Never focking mind. Found the problem. Guess I need a recone huh? have to look close but there are tears in the grey stuff near the spider. you were correct jon, it was the one that was moving a lot compared to the other.




What are the chances the other one will let go since they both were unloaded equally hard?

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Whats your box tuned to?

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