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I have this amp hooked up to four. Infinity kappas 62.11 6 1/2 2ohm coaxial speakers . My speakers do 75watts rms. the amp claims 100 watt rms @ 2ohm per channel . How do I correctly set my front and rear gains, I should ask this is in a different way should I be using a multimeter or by hearing. What would be the correct way, I do have it on HPF vs full range. Also to any replies if multimeter is used what's the correct way, I understand the meter for the most part. Thank you

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Using a DMM is not the best way to set the gain.  Neither is using an o-scope.  Nor the DD-1.


Simplest and best solution is to set it by ear.

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Using a DMM is not the best way to set the gain.  Neither is using an o-scope.  Nor the DD-1.


Simplest and best solution is to set it by ear.


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My amp is going into protection mode while I get it cranking, but some songs get really loud and it doesn't go into protection mode, gains are only half way up if that, Is This happening because of a bad ground ? My battery is in the trunk and I grounded my amp with my batteries ground on the bracket which is welded to the trunk body. I know that it's a terrible spot, if I bolted my amp ground on the same bracket as my battery ground Would that work?

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What is the amplifier?


Does it only happen when you have the volume up high?


If your battery is in the trunk why didn't you just connect the ground directly to the battery?

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Amp listed at the top. Yea at high volume some music can play a lot louder without it doing it. I will try that, didn't know if it was a good idea or not to go directly to the batt neg

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Yeah, forgot the amp was in the title.


I would try grounding directly to the battery first and see if that solves your problem.

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