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18 car audio questions! give em a try

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Hi guys

The last forum I was a member on misguided me terribly

Please help me with some questions I have thanks!

1. can i use 2 ground wires for lower resistance?

2. are 5/7 eq band head units pointless for a bass head since the eq should
be at 0 anyways?

3. why is a 4v headunit better than 2v?

4. do you guys with multiple alternators have custom belts made?

5. what specifically is in an expensive amp that a cheaper brand does not

6. how can these guys patent a basket design? is it their reward for
finding the most effecient design first?

7. why don't people use the 21" incriminator death penalty more often
in builds?

8. what is the difference between A class spl and C class spl?

9. Car audio shows seem like a sausage fest, is there a lot of fighting and

10. If I get metered and only score a 100, will some idiot be around 2 make
fun of me?

11. Do a lot of cars get broken into at these events?

12. If I bring my girlfriend, do I have a better chance of guys giving me a

13. Are there any "unspoken" rules at a car audio show?  (no touching, no pics without permission?)

14. Do they sell beer at car audio shows?

15. Do people often sell used amps/subs ect at these shows?

16. Is it ok to bring my innocent 11 year old cousin to a show or would i
regret it?

17. what is the most popular subwoofer wire?

18. is loud bass on a boat something people do?


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Are these questions serious? 0_o

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you do know that not everyone has been around car audio for 5 years+

that maybe for some people, forum is the 1st step out of walmart

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I'm pretty sure half of those questions are serious but the other half seem pointless.

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It has nothing to do with years. I guess you are publicly answering the question you pm'd me for yourself.

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1. Sure

2. No

3. Higher pre out voltage doesn't make a HU better than a lower one

4. Yes

5. Higher quality components

6. ?

7. Space issues and goals don't make a 21 very practical

8. WTF

9. WTF

10. Yes

11. Probably not, I'd be more afraid parking other places

12. WTF

13. I would never touch someones stuff without asking, don't bring food, cigarettes, or drinks in my car

14. Depends on the venue

15. Idk

16. He might never be the same after....It's not an underground illegal operation, it's a car show

17. Really...

18. If they want to....

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This shit cracks me up XD

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I'm answering based solely on the fact that I think you're fairly serious in asking and I don't think it would hurt to give a serious answer or two.  Keep in mind that my answers are based solely on my limited experience and opinions so they may or may not amount to a hill of beans and may or may not conflict with fact or other member's personal views or preferences, and will not be anything but my most honest thoughts.  biggrin.png



Truconcept, on 20 Mar 2013 - 09:48, said:
Hi guys
The last forum I was a member on misguided me terribly
Please help me with some questions I have thanks!
1. can i use 2 ground wires for lower resistance?
Sure, not sure why you think you need it.
2. are 5/7 eq band head units pointless for a bass head since the eq should
be at 0 anyways?
No.  IDEALLY the EQ should be flat, but that would require a PERFECT speaker and installation which will NEVER happen, especially in car audio.  An EQ can be adjusted up, but gains need to be readjusted when doing so and the proper way to adjust any EQ is to CUT or lower frequencies FIRST, then raise the ones that still need it (of which there will be few if any and almost no boost in most cases)
3. why is a 4v headunit better than 2v?
Technically, it's not.  The only advantage a higher output voltage has over a lower one is the possibility of keeping induced and existing background noises at bay due to the level of the music signal being considerably higher than that of the noise signals, essentially like a higher SNR (signal to noise ratio).  While that can be shown on an oscilloscope, it's audibility is pretty much a moot point with a quality installation and when quality equipment are in the signal chain.
4. do you guys with multiple alternators have custom belts made?
In the most extreme cases they might.  Most auto parts stores carry an unreal variety in lengths.  I find it hard to believe a "custom" made belt would really be any tougher than an off the shelf one.
5. what specifically is in an expensive amp that a cheaper brand does not
Quality components, better board layout, better overall design.  The quality of the capacitors, transistors, copper on the PCB, etc. all play a part in the total cost of a unit.  Better R&D means more money spent to ensure a products quality and reliability.  At least those used to be the main reasons for the difference, in today's market it's pretty much a wash.  Another thing to remember is that it's not that the cheaper amps are horrible in the sense they are complete crap in the reliability realm, as most last as long as anything else when used properly.  The biggest problem with them and the reason most people hate brands like PA, Boss, etc. is because they claim power ratings that the equipment couldn't output if they were hit by lightning.
6. how can these guys patent a basket design? is it their reward for
finding the most effecient design first?
While ANYTHING can technically be patented, when hours of hard work, design, etc. go into designing something AND it is truly unique then it can have it's own patent and IMHO the person/people who did all that hard work have every right to do so.  It protects that hard work from being copied by others and profited from.
7. why don't people use the 21" incriminator death penalty more often
in builds?
Space.  A sub that big, the enclosure it requires, cost associated, etc. all play a part in it's usability.  Not to mention that cones that large are subject to stress issues.  While the enclosure size itself is about the same as alot of other popular 18" subs the real estate the sub takes up on the face can limit where and how it can be installed.  It's typically much easier and more practical to use an 18".
8. what is the difference between A class spl and C class spl?
I can't offer a great deal of insight here without knowing the specific sanctioning body you're referring to.  For that matter a little bit of reading on the information from that organization will likely answer your question.  I think the difference is comparable to the different classes in AMA.  
9. Car audio shows seem like a sausage fest, is there a lot of fighting and
LOL  From my limited experience attending shows, no.  While it's no secret that the vast majority of car audio enthusiasts are indeed guys, there's plenty of girls to look at, lol.  As far as the fighting and drama, people + alcohol = trouble.  There are idiots at every gathering and while I'm sure it happens from time to time, of all the shows I've attended I've only seen one fight and it was because of an idiot grabbing another idiot's girl's ass.  Subject for confrontation in most peoples opinions I think.  
10. If I get metered and only score a 100, will some idiot be around 2 make
fun of me?
Probably.  There are idiot's everywhere.  You can in turn make fun of that idiot when he blows his shit up trying to beat your 100.
11. Do a lot of cars get broken into at these events?
In my experience, no.  There's an awful lot of people around all the time at most events, I don't think it would be terribly easy to do.  At the same time I'm sure it HAS happened before, I just wouldn't think it's a common occurrence.
12. If I bring my girlfriend, do I have a better chance of guys giving me a
Yep, it's a requirement that showing tits is the only way to get a demo, LOL.  Dude, the majority of people are there to show off their stuff.  I can't imagine the chances change, much, with or without a girl by your side.  Some people are strange tho and I can't speak for everyone.
13. Are there any "unspoken" rules at a car audio show?  (no touching, no pics without permission?)
I think it's proper etiquette to ALWAYS ask before touching ANYTHING that belongs to someone else, it's just good manners.  Pictures of the car itself probably aren't a problem, but I would ask permission before taking close pics of the equipment, install etc. just in case the owner is funny about it. 
14. Do they sell beer at car audio shows?
Depends on the venue I think.
15. Do people often sell used amps/subs ect at these shows?
Most of the time yes.  What better place to sell something audio related than at a car audio show?  I have been to a couple of shows that didn't allow that in the venue during the show, but those were a bit different.
16. Is it ok to bring my innocent 11 year old cousin to a show or would i
regret it?
Almost all shows are definitely family oriented.  There's always some girls walking around with some skimpy outfits on but I doubt anything he's not seen before and hopefully not anything he's not interested in seeing more of.
17. what is the most popular subwoofer wire?
Okay, this one doesn't make any sense.  Speaker wire is speaker wire.  12AWG is sufficient and often overkill for pretty much every install and the vast majority of terminals can't fit anything larger than 8AWG.
18. is loud bass on a boat something people do?
I'm sure it's something that some people do, just like car audio, if one has an interest in it.

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Hi guys

The last forum I was a member on misguided me terribly

Please help me with some questions I have thanks!


1. can i use 2 ground wires for lower resistance? sure you can or a thicker ground, but you will have always have it.  and you should not be worrying about it.

2. are 5/7 eq band head units pointless for a bass head since the eq should

be at 0 anyways?

more control the better

3. why is a 4v headunit better than 2v? debatable

4. do you guys with multiple alternators have custom belts made?depends how many alts

5. what specifically is in an expensive amp that a cheaper brand does not

have? cleaner power for one, more control, and its just like anything else.. things that are built cheaply break

6. how can these guys patent a basket design? is it their reward for

finding the most effecient design first? i can see you do not understand what a patent does for a product.

7. why don't people use the 21" incriminator death penalty more often

in builds? its a gimick sub.. somthing for guys with tiny cocks use to impress there friends.

8. what is the difference between A class spl and C class spl?

9. Car audio shows seem like a sausage fest, is there a lot of fighting and

drama?some shows can be, but most shows no. were all there for the love of audio.

10. If I get metered and only score a 100, will some idiot be around 2 make

fun of me?termlab meter does not read anything under 130 DBs i think it is... so would i laugh if you got in the lane and could not regester on the mic..... yup.   your the idiot for getting in the lane...

11. Do a lot of cars get broken into at these events?i have never had an issue.  but then again.. im in the  show.. not parked outside the event.

12. If I bring my girlfriend, do I have a better chance of guys giving me a


no one cares about your g/f well JP may. but really dude. why would you even think that.

13. Are there any "unspoken" rules at a car audio show?  (no touching, no pics without permission?)

 i prefer people not to touch my amps and subs..   i leave my trunk open.. i demo alday. but dont touch...  i have had to slap a fools hands before... and i snapped at a guy for touching steves car..... i just dont want some needle dick changing my settings

14. Do they sell beer at car audio shows?

depends on the show...  if i feel the need to drink i bring my own..... are you even 21?

15. Do people often sell used amps/subs ect at these shows?

depends on the size of the show.. bigger the show yes... smaller shows.. not so much,.

16. Is it ok to bring my innocent 11 year old cousin to a show or would i

regret it?

depends is he into cars and car audio? does he listen? or will he be bored withen an hour and running around acting a fool? we dont know him

17. what is the most popular subwoofer wire? your mom.... are you serious? i donno dude. i use 4 gauge welding lead.

18. is loud bass on a boat something people do?



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Hi guys

The last forum I was a member on misguided me terribly

Please help me with some questions I have thanks!


1. can i use 2 ground wires for lower resistance?

Why stop at 2?

2. are 5/7 eq band head units pointless for a bass head since the eq should

be at 0 anyways?

Bassheads always turn it up, all of it.

3. why is a 4v headunit better than 2v?\

4 valves flow more air than 2 valves in the same relative size. More airflow equals more power potential.

4. do you guys with multiple alternators have custom belts made?

Nope.  I am skinny enough that I don't need custom belts and my alts work well.

5. what specifically is in an expensive amp that a cheaper brand does not



6. how can these guys patent a basket design? is it their reward for

finding the most effecient design first?

HArd work and engineering deserves a reward.  It's a simple life concept.


7. why don't people use the 21" incriminator death penalty more often

in builds?

Because to this day, the Funky Pup reigns supreme.  Many people don't even see the point in ATTEMPTING to challenge it.

8. what is the difference between A class spl and C class spl?

1 class.

9. Car audio shows seem like a sausage fest, is there a lot of fighting and


I have never seen a fight relating to car audio.  My penis is bigger than anyone on the planet, so there is no need to fight.

10. If I get metered and only score a 100, will some idiot be around 2 make

fun of me?

People will ALWAYS make fun of you.  You are stupid, and flaunt your stupidity.  You ask for what you receive.

11. Do a lot of cars get broken into at these events?

Yes.  This is why cars are constantly changing.  They win and people steal their shit and they have to start over.

12. If I bring my girlfriend, do I have a better chance of guys giving me a


Only if your girl gives them a demo first.

13. Are there any "unspoken" rules at a car audio show?  (no touching, no pics without permission?)

It ain't no fun if the homies can't have none.

14. Do they sell beer at car audio shows?

No, just narcotics.

15. Do people often sell used amps/subs ect at these shows?

Yes, from the vehicles they've broken into at the shows.

16. Is it ok to bring my innocent 11 year old cousin to a show or would i

regret it?

Leave the cousin at home.

17. what is the most popular subwoofer wire?


18. is loud bass on a boat something people do?

No.  It is a federal law that you can not have a subwoofer on a boat.


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Now, on to an important subject.


Sean, I need some new cookie or baking sheets.  I normally buy cheap shit and throw it away and buy new again every couple years.  I'm done with that.  What do you recommend?  This is just normal oven roasting, and I usually use parchment paper to ease cleanup.

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Now, on to an important subject.


Sean, I need some new cookie or baking sheets.  I normally buy cheap shit and throw it away and buy new again every couple years.  I'm done with that.  What do you recommend?  This is just normal oven roasting, and I usually use parchment paper to ease cleanup.


dont u try 2 thread jack me u scary mod

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