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A few secrets being executed soon...

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There was a reason why we were re-evaluating our sales status with our reps recently....   guess i should spill the beans...


SPL-Lab is about to start offering extended warranties on ALL of our devices.


SPL-Lab is about to initiate Team member buy-in Pricing soon(hopefully before the end of April).

Team Pricing incentives are as follows-


Being on the team gives you the ability to purchase up to a 3yr warranty vs 2yr as a non member.

Cheaper warranty costs

Cheaper service fees when warranty expires

Cheaper full product replacement costs when repairs are impossible

Able to buy direct once you have completed our buy-in Pricing for being on Team SPL-Lab.

When buying direct, you will have access to cheaper pricing for ALL of our products compared to MAP.

When being on the Team, you will be a member for life.


We value Team members as a way to help us advertise and in return, we will honor our appreciation to keep your cost down.



We will also be allowing customers to conduct their own group buys soon so people can always get group discounts whenever they wish.

The discount control will be done with a new rep in South Florida.  She is already on our website but contact information will not be activated until we are ready to start it.


MECA Event Directors, we will be dropping a decent amount of money to supply about 85% of all ED's with an advertising banner from us.  We are already a part of MECA and have no intentions of leaving for a LONG TIME.


We are updating our reps information now with email, phone number contacts and extra services they can provide for you(our customers) so you can get the most\best possible support from us even if you may not purchase a product immediately.



Reps will be starting to offer warranty extensions within the next ~2 weeks.

Retailers will be between 2-4 weeks.


Team Pricing is still about 4-6 weeks away.


Stay tuned!  We have lots to offer.

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