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SP4/BL 18" box

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I own a BL and am buying an SP4. will this box design work perfectly for the SP4 and well enough for the BL? did i screw up on anything?  at the bottom of my port i have bracing crossing it, will this be an issue? should the port be fully open down to the bottom of the box?  i could not find any great info on port area for the SP4 so im sitting a bit over the 16 multiplier right now. i was thinking of adding a bit of that fluff to the box to make the sub feel it was in an enclosure closer to 8 cubic; is this a good idea?


im going for SQ at high volume, or at least as much SQ as the SP4 can give me.


what should i change, all opinions welcome. thank you.




^ box design and maths


most people seem to ask about electric so ill throw it out there. i run a factory alternator with factory battery banks. all 00ga connections between my 2 2600ca semi batteries, 4ga grounds to body and 0 ga to frame and block. the factory alternator puts out 230A @ 2100RPM. currently i have no issue with the ZX1500.1 but dont now what to expect with a [email protected] ohm, guess ill find out.

Edited by ncc74656

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sooo, does this box have the proper port area and build? is the sub placement in the middle alright or should it be lower down on the face?

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here is a build that i think is my final for my SP4 18"


at a 33hz tuning and using single walled 3/4" MDF with a double baffle i dont think i need any more bracing, do i?



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Specs should be ok. I can't tell how far the bracing starts but you'll need atleast 12" to clear the motor.

What diameter is the rod?

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1" rod


i have factored in the sub mount depth

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Ok just making sure. When I swapped in the sp4 from the q I found out I didn't lol. On my phone its hard to make out the dimensions.

You may need a small brace in the port but other than that looks solid to me.

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ill add a couple more braces to the sides of the port and call it a day. i am thinking of creating slots to hold the port in the walls. i ordered my sub on the 11th and was told 20 days to completion so im eager to receive a shipped email.

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