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300zx sub box designs

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Hi, so I'm in the process of fixing up my 300zx twin turbo and am figuring out designs for sub boxes and want some advice on configurations etc. I have two re se10s I was thinking of using or Incriminator i10s on around 150rms a peice (keeping power low to avoid having to upgrade electrical and going more for sound quality over getting loud.) My issue is I want to do a box in either side of my hatch but there are some lines on the one side which makes it have a much smaller available space.

My question is should I make both boxes fill up the space and have different size boxes or make them both match? I will probably stay sealed to avoid having to figure out airspace and since I'm going for more sq I don't need it to get really loud. Will I have cancelation issues if they are different sizes?

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volume for sealed enclosures are just as important for ported enclosure

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What he said ^.


Even with sealed boxes you don't want them different sizes, they will not have the same response/output. 

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Just build a single box for both of them. This way they will be the same size.

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I know its important but I don't have alot of room and so going with a sealed box might be my best choice. Is there a way to figure out the volume of an odd shaped box or just split it up using math and figure it out divided into easier shape to calculate? I want room for my t tops as I've shown in the picture so I will have to be more creative.

Another option would be to build a sealed L shaped box. As its lower on either side of the spare tire And then make beauty panels to fill gaps?

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Yea if the box isn't a rectangle or square divide it up into different shapes like rectangle and triangle if it's slanted. I'm not sure if having weird shaped boxes work but i'm no box expert. If it comes down to the space being a concern, ditch one and just do a single. A single 10 in the right box will outperform 2 10s in a shitty box.

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