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Sundown Z v.4 12" Prototype In-Car

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Those surrounds look insane.

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why jacob didnt post it here... weird,


 the sub seems to be reaching mechanical limits of the surround... one way. weird.

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 the sub seems to be reaching mechanical limits of the surround... one way. weird.

I was thinking the same thing, could be the video though.

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why jacob didnt post it here... weird,


 the sub seems to be reaching mechanical limits of the surround... one way. weird.


It's not there quite yet -- of course we have the driver in 3 cubes on a 3500D @ 0.5 ohm so it's getting way up there in throw.

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Was making my rounds to post up on the forums but someone beat me to it ; here is the text from the post I'm making on the other forums :


"Quick video we did on Derrick's phone last night. Lighting isn't fantastic but we wanted to get something up as soon as it started playing. I'll have to work on getting another with my HD camera and some better lighting.

SAZ-3500D v.2 (original prototype) on the Z v.4 12" D1 prototype woofer -- single 6" aero-port box tuned to ~30 Hz in a box around ~3 ft^3 or so. The VW has a stock alternator and an XS S3400 battery so we went big on the box to avoid pushing the amp hard enough to drop voltage super low and clip (we had clipping / 11.5v drops in the smaller box).

We were getting some very high excursion levels; not to the point of maxing out the suspension but quite a bit beyond what our older platforms are capable of. The video doesn't show this the best so stay tuned for more videos. The goal with the new frame and suspension platform was to create drivers that you don't have to worry about hitting suspension limits -- and that is what we achieved. Even in a big box with a ton of power mechanical stresses are almost non-existent.

Jovanni drivers this car daily and is not easy on it so I consider it an excellent durability test !"

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cool beans this is true i can see its alot of power on a single 12  cant wait for more results im jonesin for  to recone with these parts :D

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I can't wait to get my hands on a couple of the new 15's. I wanted to go 18's, but I really want the new baskets.

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Was making my rounds to post up on the forums but someone beat me to it 

Sencheezy is really good at doing that

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looking good

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That is pretty freakin wicked for a single 12. I misread the title and thought it was 4 12's at first and was still impressed, then realized it was just one making all that racket. 

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As a low tuned setup it's not super strong sealed up but we did meter it at a show over the weekend :

Two Windows Down = 144.5 dB

Driver Window Down = 145.1 dB

Both done @ 30 Hz -- we'll be trying two of them on an NS-1 at some point; shooting for 150 dB with driver window down @ 30 Hz

I believe Derrick took a good bit of videos of it from the show too !

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Those numbers are on music right?

Where was the meter placed while both measurements?

Edited by The enD

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Typical dB Drag mic position on the glass -- it does the same on burps and music assuming the music is dead-on at 30 hz.

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What are the box requirements for the 12. I think I read somewhere it was the same as the sa series.

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What are the box requirements for the 12. I think I read somewhere it was the same as the sa series.


The box requirements are on-par with the SA and Z v.3 lines ; BUT the new suspension allows for so much more capacity a larger box can be utilized for greater bottom-end extension with no worries about damaging the woofer; so the box RANGE is dramatically increased.

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What are the box requirements for the 12. I think I read somewhere it was the same as the sa series.


The box requirements are on-par with the SA and Z v.3 lines ; BUT the new suspension allows for so much more capacity a larger box can be utilized for greater bottom-end extension with no worries about damaging the woofer; so the box RANGE is dramatically increased.

Ooops I thought this was the thread about the X series. That's what my question was directed to. Is the X series around the same as the SA series? Or is it the same answer?

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Derrick has the pics and videos to upload later... but we got up to
145.5 dB @ 25 Hz today in testing @ 1970 clamped watts. We are looking
forward to trying two of them on an NS-1 with upgraded electrical when
production arrives... 150 @ 25-30 Hz with two 12s... maybe ?

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i wanna see these in the trunk of my lincoln... i do my numbers low 30 hrts, so these look to be perfect for me..

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