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What is going on??

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My order #999 was a Q18 Dual 2.  Dual 2 is important, because I'm only running 1 woofer and I need to be at a 1 ohm final load.  I received my speaker in the mail a little under a week ago, and brought it out lat night to do some wiring.  I hooked up the multimeter to the terminals, and...what in the world?  Both voice coils read 5.2 ohms.  Dual 4 isn't even an option on the website?  How did I end up with what appears to be just that?  I sent Shawn an email through the sales email, hoping to hear back today.  I'm at a 3.2 final load, which is no bueno.  I've got 1500 watts on tap at 1 ohm, and I'd like to use them all.







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Touch the multimeters leads together and see what it reads.

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Also, I own that same dmm, I have trouble getting it to read accuratly. Just be aware they are very cheap made, and I would assume its the dmm before i would think it was the sub.

My father in law gave mine to me, when i looked it up its like 5 bucks at northern tool.

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Same dmm as me lol well sucks your going to have to buy a 5000 rms amp and run it at 3.5ohms lol jk.

Do what bromo said and let us know.

Edited by Bassink

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Just install the thing. You'll never see 1 ohm anyways.

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I once made one of those multimeters from a kit. To put it lightly... they really suck unless you sit there for about 6 hours and calibrate them. To do this you have to hope that the internal resistance doesn't suck horribly out of the box to start off with. You want that at or under .01 ohm resistance to be reliable. Then you get yourself a potentiometer and start off at 100ohm, 500 ohm, 1k, 1,5k etc until you can match the measurements with a known good meter. With that being said, I did this and mine worked great, but after letting it set for a couple weeks I came back and swapped out the battery because I left it on. Now with the new battery it is off again so I just threw it away. lol

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I am embarrassed to admit this has happened to me in the past. I changed the batteries in the DMM and the coils all read correctly. Not saying this is the case here, but I do know they test the coils before they leave. So I recommend trying to get a reading with another DMM.

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