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Ported box help!

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Okay, so I have very little room to work with, and needed help on how to port a wedge box. I have 2 designs I can use for the port, both are using the same box.


Width: 15 inches. 

Height 1 (front): 12.5 Inches

Height 2 (back) 7 inches

Depth: 18 inches

total volume (using 3/4 inch think wood) = 1.06348 cubic feet.


So one idea is to place the port under the sub which is the eaisiest. 13.5 inches long, half an inch tall, 14.5 inches of port space (32hz tuned)

^ I need to know if theres anything wrong with this idea?


The 2nd idea, which is more complicated, is placing the port on the side of the box. I have no idea how to calculate such a slant. Would the 1st option be eaiser?


PLEASE DO NOT TELL ME TO CHANCE THE SIZE OF THE BOX. (There will be 2 of these boxes placed beside each other in a small trunk.

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Not sure I understand the question. For an external port the location won't matter so much.

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Its just a regular vented box, so the port is on the inside. I will try to post pictures later

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This is the first idea, if theres nothing wrong with this idea then were good to go. 

My second option was putting the port on the side of the sub, but can you see now how it would be slanted down, im not sure how to calculate that and it would be harder to build. But I mainly want to know if this picture is okay? Anything might be a problem?

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