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Voltage Drop When The Car Comes 2 A Stop

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how bad would it be to have that power bastards

and my new factory alt goin at the same time

I would have 2 have someone make me a bracket

would that cost more than a nice alternator?

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that would be ideal but i dont have $500 atm

and I have a powerbastards 220amp alt sitting around

If the bracket fabs under $150 that perfect

I even have a couple extra runs on 1/0 gauge I could throw into it

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Well, an ammeter would definitely show you that.


In my experience, correct me if i'm wrong, but rewound, to me, means substantial higher output at whatever engine rpm is required but the idle is reduced compared to STOCK or of equal value to stock.


High outputs bought from reputable companies like DC, Mechman(when they use the right pulleys) and Singer, have large idle outputs like it should be.


IE rewound-  

Saying you have a 250A alt cold, 210A hot but only 60A idle COLD, maybe 30A hot.


I read that like 5x and got confused by the end each time lol..


biggest problem with just rewinding a alt is usually if I am not

mistaken you will need to change out pulley to get as many amps as you

are looking for at idle. Though the largest failure to just rewinding

your alternator and not buying one from HO Alternator, Dc Power,or Ohio

Generator or other quality alt. is because they are using the stock

rectifiers and regulator they are not made to control that much

amperage and die other times people will put the smaller pulley so the

alt will spin faster like it needs to make the amperage at idle and the

bearings are old and go bad from the higher rpm's it is spinning at. I

have also know friends who have had them rewound and didn't have any

problems but they were only getting them rewound to a extra 25% or so

over stock as that will be safe and running a 4 channel and 1500 watt

sub amp. I would say it all comes down to you get what you pay for.

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i'm not an alt build guy so i do not know what causes this or that.. etc.. 


So i'll try and get you to understand what i said unless i am clueless and you know more about it, which is highly possible too, hehe.



Take 2 alts rated at 250A

Brand A is rewound

Brand B is reputable High Output.


For both brands, they will only do 210A max HOT, that's just how it is.


Now, Brand B si rated to do 180A idle(650rpm), but that's cold, Hot rating is 140A

Brand A(rewound) only does ~40A at idle.


So at idle, you have power fluctuation in your lighting.


Whether this is caused from too large a pulley or something else, i do not know.  I just know that rewound alts always have extremely poor idle output and when questioned about it, the answer is always.. it's impossible to get such high output at idle(IE over 100A which we ALL know is possible).. so then they are dumbfounded when shown proof.

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