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Beware! Skar Audio poor customer service

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I'm sorry but I would never buy a product from someone who claims to be knowledgeable in the subject, yet has to ask whether he should use a ported enclosure or sealed.

http://www.car audio classifieds.org/forum/off-topic-chat/47729-subtilis-hbe-gone-2.html

You can literally Google search: "Lambo911 car audio," "kevin s car audio scammer," and end up with dozens of results.

Yes you can choose to believe that many people across many boards and over the course of multiple years have all decided to make stuff up, but if that's the case then quite frankly I feel sorry for you.

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Tooth motherpucking brush!

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Google search any car audio and add "scam" or "problem" and it will result in dozens of links also, it means nothing really.

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Google search any car audio and add "scam" or "problem" and it will result in dozens of links also, it means nothing really.

Are you affiliated with Skar or Skar's owner?

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Pioneer electronics sells countless of headunits with pico fuse problems

Is that a scam too? They fully well know what the problem is, have they changed it?

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Pioneer electronics sells countless of headunits with pico fuse problems Is that a scam too? They fully well know what the problem is, have they changed it?

It is not a problem if it is installed correctly as stated in the instruction manual. If I put 5000 watts to a sub rated at 1000 and blow it is it the companies fault....no. Just like if I improperly install a head unit and blow the pico fuse it isn't that companies fault. Your comparison is not valid.

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Sounds like a cheap crappy design, OMG why would they do this...could it be cheap massed produced chit meant to make millions off hard working people?

Brb made in china

And no i'm not affiliated to Skar/Kevin

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so your saying that if i put a spork next to a unicorn you will believe it?

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Where's the evidence?

Anyone can post a pic of some crappy box and say Kevin made it. So now every lame box that appears on the webz would have been made by Kevin?

Kevin makes clear as day threads list b-stock items, how we don't know those guys actually ordered b-stock items and claiming otherwise?

Do we really believe everything posted on the internet so easily?

What about the links I posted? Where he clearly and blatantly uploaded incorrect, physically impossible, t/s specifications? That isn't good enough to show you his incompetence?

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The Pico fuse is there to keep morons from seriously damaging the hu when they hotswap the rca's. I guess that means you have had Pico fuse issues. Here's your sign.....

Pioneer electronics sells countless of headunits with pico fuse problems Is that a scam too? They fully well know what the problem is, have they changed it?

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Pioneer, why the hard on for skar? Do you really feel the need to defend him? Or are you just bored and want to argue? We could find better, more productive topics if you wish.

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Kevin wont defend himself.. Its pointless. If all evidence is against him and was true then he's fucked.. The way everyone will gang up on him here makes it even worse of a battlefield for him.

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Gotta love the anti-modeling argument. Always with those who have no idea and mis-use everything.

Any idea how ANYTHING these days is engineered? I'll give you one wild guess. It shouldn't be hard.

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Gotta love the anti-modeling argument. Always with those who have no idea and mis-use everything.

Any idea how ANYTHING these days is engineered? I'll give you one wild guess. It shouldn't be hard.

Certainly without math, or computer modeling. :D

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It shouldn't really have taken 20 seconds to say, they model it. That is how your car is designed, the motherboard in your pc, your phone, your HVAC, pretty much everything you own. Guess what step two is? Build it and test to see if it matches the model. Sound familiar? Even in the 60's they modeled, just couldn't do it on a computer and had to do the calculation by hand. If you prefer you can migrate back to the technology of the 40's and arbitrarily build something and claim success. Just be rather backwoods if you ask me.

Of course, guess whose stuff is not modeled? Guess who doesn't understand models? Guess who doesn't even know what to do once the prototype is built? Add to that a wretched customer service history and again let's all get in line to support this guy. Seriously wtf? Are you that blind?

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Gotta love the anti-modeling argument. Always with those who have no idea and mis-use everything.

Any idea how ANYTHING these days is engineered? I'll give you one wild guess. It shouldn't be hard.

Certainly without math, or computer modeling. biggrin.png

Physic, what a fucking joke right? adhd.gif

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Gotta love the anti-modeling argument. Always with those who have no idea and mis-use everything.

Any idea how ANYTHING these days is engineered? I'll give you one wild guess. It shouldn't be hard.

Certainly without math, or computer modeling. biggrin.png

Physic, what a fucking joke right? adhd.gif

That shit is such a joke. Just a bunch of made up mumbo jumbo smart people throw around.

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" hey this is kevin with skar audio with an un boxing of the new skar audio shirts, know i know alot of you guys have been waiting for this shit to some out and we have been telling you about them on youtube and the forums but here it is, made 100 out of super cool stuff its like no other shirt from any any other company, its skar so you know its great any way this is kevin with scar audio. i like the soud of my own name and the word skar,. lets show you what our shirts can too,. "


check us us soon for skar audio tampons and shoe strings and tolit paper coming soon


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If the guy wanted to clear his name against these allegations to protect his business he would do so. I understand what you are saying pioneer, but until he steps up to the plate you are defending someone who might end up making you look like a jackass.
Not defending at all, I'm just trying to understand the purpose of this thread.
To warn people of terrible CS from Skar Audio.
But the OP hasn't replied/updated us or even stated what he's trying to find out?

Update??? on what exactly? Still ZERO respone from Skar. Already bought other subs, so to late now anyway and have no interest at this point at all on getting specs I wanted originaly. Yes, I don't come here much so call me newb or whatever, but have been doing car audio for over 30 years and just because I don't live on this forum doesnt mean I dont know when I'm being given no customer support from a supplier. Its really not complicated to return a customers phone call or respond to my emails. Considering Skar says in an automated response to my emails; ".....actively trying to stay on top of responding to them within our two hour guaranteed response time as promised!" A-hem...Yea, well its been 12 days.

I pasted in a chain of emails I sent Skar to show you a string of what I asked and sent. With NO RESPONSES and 12 days passed....I also left 3 voice mails to the # on Skar's website. None of my calls were returned. So if you start at the bottom and scroll up you can see the emails. I just removed my phone # and email for purposes of posting here. Skar audio customer support is a joke. Hell of a way to run a business.. The end.

Please help. I called yesterday and left a message about this also.




To: [email protected]

Subject: RE: VVX 8" specs

Date: Thu, 24 Jan 2013 14:49:59 +0000

Can someone help me with specs needed?

What is the Xmaxx specs for the new 18" zzx sub and 8" vvx sub ?



To: [email protected]

CC: [email protected]

Subject: VVX 8" specs

Date: Wed, 23 Jan 2013 04:38:08 +0000


What is the one way Xmaxx spec for the VVX 8"? what would be the round port dimensions for a 28HZ tune? and optimum box size?

I bought the VVX 15's off you in 2011 and still love them!


All i'm seeing here is chit from 2009 that Kevin supposedly did, and in any event there is no way to prove that he made those boxes. I saw pics posted but no one posted a receipt, the boxes are horrible obviously but we don't know who made them for certain.

Edited by probillygun

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Thanks Bill.

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Lol so you all model subs but never test em in real life but can conclude they are crap lol by using "false" parameters.

So all car audio/electronics companies always post 100% correct t/s parameters?

And no i don't have pico fuse problems, i don't use pioneer headunits

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OP it sucks you can't get a reply man, i'm suprised the xmax isn't listed.

Again i'm not defending i just like factual discussions

Maybe next time buy equipment where specs are clearly stated so that your needs can be met?

Troll him on is facebook group, anywhere he posts ask him the question. Did you try on the skar forum also?

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Lol so you all model subs but never test em in real life

Because we don't need to. Just like I don't need to drive a dodge caravan to know it's not going to be fast. Why do I know that? Because I can look at the drive train specifications of the vehicle.

"false" parameters.

Did you or did you not click on the links i posted? Are you just choosing to ignore facts that prove Kevin incompetent? When he gets called out on parameters it's because they are physically impossible. Do you understand that? Not too good for Skar, but too good for science. Do you understand why he would do that? Because he understands that the real specifications are unimpressive, but doesn't understand enough to even make them seem better without defying physics. Screw all the other deceit, that alone should be plenty to convince you. And it's recent; within the past 6 months.

I'm done feeding the troll. Whether you're too proud, ignorant, or amused to admit it, the logic is there.

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