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Gene Rosen of Sandy Hook Shooting Rehearsal Video

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*tisk *tisk

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BTW, note the helicopter in the background. This video was made in the afternoon in Grampy Gene's back yard, you can see the detail on google earth at 22 Riverside Dr. Anyway, from the position of the sun and the shadows this tells me its mid-late Friday afternoon so Gene's just running through his lines practicing for his pre-scheduled Saturday interviews.

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lol your gonna catch a buncha shit for this....

this i video is not the best persuasion, but i do agree it has too many fishy aspects to be true. the shooting that is...

i have been sayin all along i think its a crock of shit.... and i have been balls deep in personally investigations and this was withen 24 hours of the shooting i found so much shit it would make your head spin.... sad thing is... most people just make excuses for the obvious constrictions

i can tell you one thing.. its about damn time real weapon (s) used were brought to light.. ar 15 my ass.

anyway.. i have NOT said shit about what i have found on my search because of the misunderstanding that if im not over the top sympathetic then i " hate your kids"

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lol your gonna catch a buncha shit for this.... this i video is not the best persuasion, but i do agree it has too many fishy aspects to be true. the shooting that is... i have been sayin all along i think its a crock of shit.... and i have been balls deep in personally investigations and this was withen 24 hours of the shooting i found so much shit it would make your head spin.... sad thing is... most people just make excuses for the obvious constrictions i can tell you one thing.. its about damn time real weapon (s) used were brought to light.. ar 15 my ass. anyway.. i have NOT said shit about what i have found on my search because of the misunderstanding that if im not over the top sympathetic then i " hate your kids"

I would be interested in your findings sir :)

I know I may catch a lot of shit for it, but if ppl like us don't, then who will?

Do I feel terrible about the familys affected, sure. But do I look like a fool, no.

There is a dozen points I could make that would debunk this whole terrible scandal, and others like it. But instead, I only encourage others to perform their own research and come up with their own conclusions.

Once you notice there was never any real tears from the president, once you notice the bad actors, once you notice the numerous different propose gun findings, you will start to scratch your head and wonder things. Such as, why wasn't there any footage of the 600 students, why weren't there any ambulances in the parking lot, why are there no footage of the in school camera system, why does the car belong to a rapist and multi felon on sex charges that lives in Florida, ect, etc.

Thanks for sharing your thoughts though Jon.

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if it smells like a duck..and it quack likes a duck..it's probably a duck

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Someone was just telling me about the gun discrepancies.

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Same thing can be said about other big issues that have affected this country but if we brought all those to light we would be conspiracy theorist.

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I was so pissed to find out I was lied to by the media, handguns were used, NOT an assault rile. I shouldn't be surprised the media lies and manipulates, but damn I was mad because I actually believed an AR 15 was used.

I love how NY has citizens living in tents months after Sandy, but they rush a Draconian gun ban bill in days which doesn't even provide exceptions for law enforcement! My wife's uncle is fed up, they're planning on getting their finances in order and leaving the state.

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i noticed the gun discrepancy right away, they were going on and on about how a ar 15 was used in the shooting... yet there is news feed of them pulling it out of the trunk of the car!! the first day,

also, check this shit out.... one of the students that was gunned down Emily, the day she was shot her dad made a face book donation page, on the 14th of December, make scene? if your child was gunned down would that be the first thing you did? make a facebook page? and if thats not enough, two weeks ago the date the page was made, was changed to dec 15 ....

me and dani seen it, one day it stated dec 14.. a few days later it was changed, mind blowing..

and thats not the only date that was changed or deleted, i found pages that talked about the sandy hook shootings with dates of December 12th and 10th and 13th.... how the fuck can you talk about something that has not happened????.

and also i have seen google earth images of the school... and watched the chopper new feed of " the school shooting" its not the same school. .... funny huh.

and emilys aunt was on a news feed stating " she was a leader to her big sisters and her friends " ..... big sisters? she had no big sisters she is/was the oldest. thats a fact. i guess her aunt was confused right?

and dont get me started on this guying gene guy, his story has changed so many times, WOW what a fuck tard, and he was on an actor casting website... once it was exposed the picture was removed and the age was changed.

and your correct. why are there NO PICTUES at all.. of this horrible event .. in the world we live in.. every one has a cell phone.. thus every one has a camera and a video recorder in there pocket. and NO ONE GOT pics,. or videos.... OK!!!!! lol and the one picture there is looks like a fire drill from before, the only thing that makes it believable is the ONE kid in the picture that looks scared and crying....... but we have all taken pics while laughing and or talking and it looks the same....

and why are all the EMS trucks and fire trucks 1/4 mile down the street your telling me they took NONE of the shot kids to the hospital to try to save their lifes? lol ok.

so 600 kids no video or pics, 20 something people shot no, pics no videos

something is not adding up... i got more.. but ill rest for now.

this is one of the shortest and to the point videos and it well narrated

heres part 2 its new,. i have NOT watched it yet. i have not had the time.

here is Emily aunt confused about her family

ok i have loads more but like i said ill rest.. i know you guys think im crazy :D

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This confuses me a little: https://sphotos-b.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ash3/67940_311081158997583_1075845420_n.jpg

The girl on the right is Emilie Parker, who was killed at the shooting.

Here's Obama meeting with families after the shooting: http://www.businessinsider.com/obama-sandy-hook-shooting-victims-photos-2012-12

That's the same girl in the same dress.

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correct, thats one of the many things that makes this so very funny... but there have been reports that its the sister, but wearing emilys old dress... disturbing.. here wear your dead sisters dress .. and if thats the case then who is the 1 extra little girl in the photo... unexplained !!

have you seen the girls dad talking before a interview on cam, not knowing its on, hes laughing has a smile on his face... says " oh are we ready to do this?" then pauses breaths a few times to get into character then starts with a sad speech lol ok.... or some of the other parents laughing in interviews about there dead kids... come on America wake up!

its all about gun control...

and i have a question... would an assault rifle ban have prevented the shooting?.... no.. for 2 reasons...

1 CT already has a ban on assault rifles,

2 a assault rifle was NOT USED!!!!

but none of that matters.. your already fear struck, and willing to do anything to protect your children lol

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Wow, I'm very impressed Jon. I had no idea you were this open! haha. But yeah, in short, there is just simply a lot of things that do not add up. Which I would agree me and you have already found several things that would justify the inaccurate events. All of the things you have mentioned I have researched myself.

Its not them taking away our 2nd amendment away that scares me, its them taking away our libertys. We already don't have any as it is really. They can come in, with no warrent, no reason, shoot your wife, and simply state that their reason was based off of "suspicion". Once they implement everything, its going to be a much different world.

Police state, city cameras, LPR's, RFID's, no arms, "stop and frisk", fucking obama is playing god right now and its really pissing me off. No other president has ever made more "executive" decisions in presidential history.

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Wow, I'm very impressed Jon. I had no idea you were this open! haha. But yeah, in short, there is just simply a lot of things that do not add up. Which I would agree me and you have already found several things that would justify the inaccurate events. All of the things you have mentioned I have researched myself. Its not them taking away our 2nd amendment away that scares me, its them taking away our libertys. We already don't have any as it is really. They can come in, with no warrent, no reason, shoot your wife, and simply state that their reason was based off of "suspicion". Once they implement everything, its going to be a much different world. Police state, city cameras, LPR's, RFID's, no arms, "stop and frisk", fucking obama is playing god right now and its really pissing me off. No other president has ever made more "executive" decisions in presidential history.

Obama has not made the highest number of executive orders.

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Wow, I'm very impressed Jon. I had no idea you were this open! haha. But yeah, in short, there is just simply a lot of things that do not add up. Which I would agree me and you have already found several things that would justify the inaccurate events. All of the things you have mentioned I have researched myself. Its not them taking away our 2nd amendment away that scares me, its them taking away our libertys. We already don't have any as it is really. They can come in, with no warrent, no reason, shoot your wife, and simply state that their reason was based off of "suspicion". Once they implement everything, its going to be a much different world. Police state, city cameras, LPR's, RFID's, no arms, "stop and frisk", fucking obama is playing god right now and its really pissing me off. No other president has ever made more "executive" decisions in presidential history.
Obama has not made the highest number of executive orders.

23 were made on 1/16/13 alone.

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But you are correct, I retract my statement.

Barrack Obama - 144 (so far)

George W. Bush - 291

Clinton - 364

George H. Bush - 166

Reagan - 381

Carter - 320

Ford - 169

Nixon - 346

Johnson - 325

Kennedy - 214

Eisenhower - 484

Truman - 907

Franklin D. Roosevelt - 3,522

Hoover - 968

Coolidge - 1,203

Harding - 522

Wilson - 1,803

Taft - 724

Theodore Roosevelt - 1,081

McKinley - 185

Cleveland II - 140

Harrison - 143

Cleveland I - 113

Arthur - 96

Garfield - 6

Hayes - 92

Grant - 217

Andrew Johnson - 79

Lincoln - 48

Buchanan - 16

Pierce - 35

Fillmore - 12

Taylor - 5

Polk - 18

Tyler - 17

Harrison - 0

van Buren - 10

Jackson - 12

Adams - 3

Monroe - 1

Madison - 1

Jefferson - 4

Adams - 1

Washington - 8

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So this is the new 9/11 then, eh?

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oh i seen this coming years ago, and people said i was crazy.... then BOOM. its live and in your face that i was correct about the GOV. trying to take away out rights to arms.... but they still cant muster up the strength to admit what i was saying is so..

i dont let theories change the way i live but i damn sure call bullshit when i see bullshit. and i always will....

dani asked me once she started seeing facts for her self " what will happen now? now that they are getting caught what will they say?"

and i told her this.

they wont do a damn thing, they will never admit it, they will never adress it.. and frankly 90% of people make up lies to convince them selfs its an honest mistake, or there is some kind of explanation... people DO NO WANT THE TRUTH.. they would rater believe the GOV is on there side, doing every thing on the up and up........ then i quoted a line from the movie a few good men,

" you dont want the truth because deep down in a place you dont like to talk about at parties you want me on that wall you need me on that wall .... i have no time for questions from a man that lived under the protection i provide ! and then questions the manor of how i provide it"

true shit.

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So this is the new 9/11 then, eh?

different. this is a little sicker and more hand on and smoke screened in my opinion

i have not seen any proof of any dead children

and the famous emily parker that has been a poster child in this.. cans not even be found in any of the year book class photos in at years.

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that website is so funny,. they just simply take everything and say NOO thats not what it looks like.. your wrong.

lol the main thing that makes me laugh about that sites take on things is that it was a shotgun in the trunk.... no it was not.. if you want the video of them clearing the rounds, it is not a shotgun.

this website gets thrown around as proof every time... none other... to each his own.

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Conspiracy theorists prey on misinformation.

Why do you think it's so popular among this story and 9/11?

If the media gets immediate access to it while it is or just happened, there will be tons of misinformation said because nothing can be proven as fact when it's live and stated from those in shock and still putting pieces together.

Now, what if a massive tragedy happened but the media had to wait 30days before ever letting the public know anything about it..

No more conspiracy issues to feed off of.

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If this is going to turn into a pissing war, of why "conspiracist" are right or wrong, then I will not reply again. I will not label myself as one. I simply believe, the more you're aware, the better. Just like any language, you will not what the symbols mean, if they are not for your understanding. I never call out anyone for not doing their own research, so I don't believe it is right to call out someone who does. No one should be knocked for ones beliefs/ideas/understandings/ or theories.

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well i know im on the right track, because the " facts " keep getting changed.. i watched it happen over and over. Google face book and more. simply changed dates to hide facts.... why?

im happy that thus far it has not become a pissing match and i see every aspect of every response so far. :D

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Umm.. it is to educate and help those who DO research.

Where did anyone personalize this thread?

A lot of conspiracy points have been made but from what i see are basing their own opinions on what is being collected on ONE side of the story...

The best and ONLY way to research something is to be completely unbiased, pick a side, get all the information from that side, then pick the other side and get all the information from that side, then pick no side and obtain any and all random information and THEN start sorting out what you have collected.

When all that is laid out is from one side, then it's easy to convince yourself of something that is not proven whatsoever.

There's no reason to believe it if the path of research leads to false claims.

Quick research and assumptions without debatable information doesn't make for a fair argument and if the opinion sides with itself as private fact, then that person should feel sorry for themself for not pushing themself further in doing more clever and adequate research.

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