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UPS not updating

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I made a comment about this in the feedback section, but seeing that it happened again I felt like making a topic was necessary.

On two separate orders, separated by a months, UPS hasn't updated my order status until the product shows up at my door. It goes from "awaiting shipment" to "shipped" instantly, and usually a few days AFTER it arrives at my door. Take my last order, #5455, for example. It still says "awaiting shipment" on the SSA store and if I click the tracking label, UPS still says that only a shipping label has been created.

This is quite annoying. Especially because I wasn't at my house when UPS delivered the package, and I wasn't there for a few days. My neighbor was kind enough to call me and tell me a package had been sitting at my front door for a few days. If UPS would have updating my shipping like they were supposed to, I would have had my neighbor pick up the package for me and place it inside of my house.

This is not a complaint to the SSA store. I doubt SSA has control over when UPS updates their information. However, this has happened both times on SSA orders I've made and I've never had this problem before with UPS. Maybe UPS hates you?? :P

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Hey Jake, this does seem to happen occasionally. We have to go buy the same UPS data everyone else does. I check daily and sometimes this happens. We are having issues with FedEx also, just recently, they delivered to the wrong address despite requesting a different address. They said their systems did not update fast enough. Frustrating, as I don't think large box trucks move faster then SQL databases.

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Thanks Aaron. Just wanted to make sure you guys were aware!

Only a minor inconvenience for me, but I could see it being a big problem for someone else.

Expect to see my budget build in a build log sometime soon :)

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I know, it is frustrating sometimes. There have been a number of times when I have spoken with Shawn and an item had gone out on the truck a day ago, and UPS.com still hasn't updated. Then suddenly, what would be a 4 business days left on the tracking when I talked to Shawn, a day after showing it not leaving, UPS.com shows 1 or 2 business days left.

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I had my subs for almost two weeks before ups said shipped and the ssa store took over a month to update after i got my subs. I am i canada tho. Wasnt a big deal for me at all and was a nice surprise tho. Love the icons too

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UPS has done that to me, I've ordered a few things from SSA/FI and before it would ever update it would be at my door step.. Then the day they delivered it would show up as shipped and received.

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Haha just got a email with status update to shipped of an order i placed in august and recieved in early november. Little late lol

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