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Mark LaFountain

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68deg here. View from my hotel room


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All that and i still hate it here. The people suck.

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Sean, send me to CA.  I can deal with the people for just a few moments at the water.

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I love, love my g4 btw

Loved mine too!

Wouldn't have made a change of it hadn't shit the bed.

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Sean, send me to CA. I can deal with the people for just a few moments at the water.

Hey now!

I have dibs on his assistant positions first!

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Ok. :(

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I'll bring you to be my assistant.

We will really need one as I'm just gonna make Sean drink and eat with me. So someone is going to have to work.

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Matricom G-Box unboxed, installed, and is running apps & accessing network files within 30 minutes. Nice.

Edited by Penguin4x4

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Boo, TN.com is undergoing maintenance. I guess BB.com gets my business this go 'round.

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I had to Google what a gbox was. All I know is I really like my FireTV.

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Fuck, the way this meeting is going I'd like to leave and start something new.  Take you all with me.  We'd own it.

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I should clarify it isn't my team that is shitting the bed, but the rest.  Somehow, like usual, I get to be the psychiatrist to clean everything up even that I am not responsible for.  I'll pretty much do anything that helps the company, but I am sick of whiny bitches.

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I do have one on my team too.  For some reason my boss has him as untouchable.  Boo.  He should be shit canned.

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So I decided I will continue on without any protein powder supplementation as long as I feel that less protein isn't affecting my weight loss goals.


On the other hand, I will continue to try and find ways to supplement my protein intake with natural foods. I was weary at first about upping the meat in my dishes for fear that I would end up going over on calories, but based on my intake over the last few weeks, and my availability good lean ground deer/brisket I think I'll start upping it. I'll be adding 56-112 calories per serving and 11-22g of it is protein.


I've also increased my 5x5 workouts to 5x6 workouts and cut my rest from 1:30 to 0:45. I've cut the weight back but it definitely has been a lot more work.


Once I get to the goal weight I'll reconsider protein supplementation to increase muscle and reduce fat.

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As long as you're getting enough protein, you're good. Source is irrelevant.

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I should clarify it isn't my team that is shitting the bed, but the rest. Somehow, like usual, I get to be the psychiatrist to clean everything up even that I am not responsible for. I'll pretty much do anything that helps the company, but I am sick of whiny bitches.

You are incapable of watching things be done poorly and you want others to succeed.

It is the curse of those who care.

There are 2 types of people, the type who try to make everything around them better so everyone goes farther and has more success.

The second type will spend their energy pulling others down the ladders in hopes they look better by comparison.

One yields growth, the other yields decay.

It my fundamental litmus test for if I feel someone is "good" or not.

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As long as you're getting enough protein, you're good. Source is irrelevant.

Source is relevant depending on frequency of intake.

I also feel that 99.999999% of shakes do not provide as much nutrition as real food.

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So I decided I will continue on without any protein powder supplementation as long as I feel that less protein isn't affecting my weight loss goals.

On the other hand, I will continue to try and find ways to supplement my protein intake with natural foods. I was weary at first about upping the meat in my dishes for fear that I would end up going over on calories, but based on my intake over the last few weeks, and my availability good lean ground deer/brisket I think I'll start upping it. I'll be adding 56-112 calories per serving and 11-22g of it is protein.

I've also increased my 5x5 workouts to 5x6 workouts and cut my rest from 1:30 to 0:45. I've cut the weight back but it definitely has been a lot more work.

Once I get to the goal weight I'll reconsider protein supplementation to increase muscle and reduce fat.

Consuming fast carbs and protein right after resistance training is really important if you are trying to maximize results. This is really key if you aren't using drugs and want to take advantage of nutrition shuttling and keep your body running efficiently. Eat solid food about an hour after the prot/carb shake.

Eat some form of protein every 3 hours.

BCAA intake all day has always helped everyone I have helped train. For either gaining muscle or dropping fat. I don't have a reason why that has medical support. All I can tell you is it has worked in all the real world instances on all of my labrats including myself.

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If your goal is fat loss and you are not using drugs, I would suggest bringing the weight up for your compound movements.

Heavier weights and compound movements will release more anabolic compounds in your body and increase your metabolism than higher reps. Even with less rest.

If your goal is more total "work" aim for 3-8 reps on your compound movements and then isolate with 10-20 reps for your follow up exercises at that same work out.

I was able to get roughly 30 sets of chest done in 45minutes while lifting pretty heavy when I was at my prime. You don't have to sacrifice the benefits of heavy lifts just to shove in less effective training.

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^^^^What he said.



Yeah, I'm lazy. Big whoop.

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If your goal is fat loss and you are not using drugs, I would suggest bringing the weight up for your compound movements.

Heavier weights and compound movements will release more anabolic compounds in your body and increase your metabolism than higher reps. Even with less rest.

If your goal is more total "work" aim for 3-8 reps on your compound movements and then isolate with 10-20 reps for your follow up exercises at that same work out.

I was able to get roughly 30 sets of chest done in 45minutes while lifting pretty heavy when I was at my prime. You don't have to sacrifice the benefits of heavy lifts just to shove in less effective training.


So your saying more weight (Wm) less reps (Rl) > than less weight (Wl) more reps (Rm) even if Wm x Rl < Wl x Rm? (Where W x R is really just Force x Distance = Work)


Right now all my lifts are compound movements Squat, Bench, Barbell Row, Overhead Press, Deadlift.


For me, I thought the one extra rep would help with fat burning. Another issue is we work out at home and I don't have anything like safety bars for squats so my weights for it are really conservative. I am trying to always make sure we eat after we work out to maximize the benefits and calorie burn.


Side bar:

Part of my increased reps decreased rest has other reasons. My wife has started lifting and not hating it. It's been really hard for me to understand the effort she has to put into it. It either looks like it's effortless or she's failing the rep. Which, if your not used to it looks like she's quickly giving up, but it's not. After increasing by 1 rep she's barely doing less weight (actually already back to what she was doing before) but I can more easily see when reps start to get tough. Also, she hates the long breaks. I assume this is because her weight is sufficiently low enough that her recovery was very quick. Does that make sense? Like she physically can't lift enough to stay tired for over a minute. Another great thing about the short breaks is we don't switch in between. One person does their workout then the next does there because it's so quick. It really cuts down on the exhausting task of switching weights back and forth.


As we progress, I'd like to get my wife in the gym and get myself back to the gym, but right now I really want to keep moving with what keeps her motivated.

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It sounds like you have developed a plan for your lifestyle and that beats out everything I said.

Even if what I told you would get you 2 times the results(not even close BTW), you wouldn't get the work outs in.

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As for your algebraic formula and explain differently, I'm going to leave it alone basically lol... You got my general gist about the quotes around the word work however.

So, if your total weight lifted is more by adding more reps, the results in the mirror and on your metabolism is not the same. The way our muscles break down and rebuild, along with hormone ballances shift anabolic at a faster than logarithmic rate as you aproach 1RM until you hit your personal even horizon of diminishing returns.

In fact, some people can continue to grow if they use max lifts as their only heavy lifting. For most, the toll to your immune system ends up being too drastic however. Constantly pushing your maximum exertion limits and setting new PRs has some odd effect on our immune system. Most guys will become prone to illness as the really smash into and through their plateau.

This makes sense as pushing your limits should increase GH, androgeneic steroids, and lower cortisol if you eat well. This means your immune system goes into a more relaxed state as your body changes into a beef making machine.

So getting the reps in the 3-8 range can really help you get all the metabolic boosts and the extra hormones you need without destroying your immune response.

Most of this is really anecdotal, but *all* the fellas I would lift with would either get sick, or have to chill out more when they were pushing their plateau. There is science and theory as to what really happens to the immune system but we can't see in the body to watch exactly what happens.

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