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Mark LaFountain

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Nikon does a better job at attracting newbies. Newbies only care about MP and NIkon has got Canon beat on MP/$



We'll see how much shooting I do when I move and lose the landscape opportunities I have here. The fear of stopping the hobby is what's stopping my from investing more money into it. 

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Left welding class early, and canceled work today, Ive had to use the bathroom at least 20x and vomited twice, i feel like shit and the last time all that came up was the liquids I was drinking. I havent ate anything all day and have took quite a few naps. Any suggestions for feeling better?


Stay hydrated.

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Nikon does a better job at attracting newbies. Newbies only care about MP and NIkon has got Canon beat on MP/$



We'll see how much shooting I do when I move and lose the landscape opportunities I have here. The fear of stopping the hobby is what's stopping my from investing more money into it.

I can certainly agree with that. I have met numerous people who think that the higher the megapixel count, the better the shot. While true to a certain point, there becomes a limit on how long that holds true.


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Left welding class early, and canceled work today, Ive had to use the bathroom at least 20x and vomited twice, i feel like shit and the last time all that came up was the liquids I was drinking. I havent ate anything all day and have took quite a few naps. Any suggestions for feeling better?


Stay hydrated.

Pedialyte is great. Get well soon!!


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Interior is back in the Town Car.  No more smoky smell, nice clean soft leather.  All I have left is to cover the panels, install the equipment and I'm done.  YAY!

Oddly enough one of my classmates is selling the one she picked up to use while her truck is being fixed. The car was formerly used by a limo shop. 204k on it, and it still looks brand new.


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Nikon does a better job at attracting newbies. Newbies only care about MP and NIkon has got Canon beat on MP/$



We'll see how much shooting I do when I move and lose the landscape opportunities I have here. The fear of stopping the hobby is what's stopping my from investing more money into it.

I can certainly agree with that. I have met numerous people who think that the higher the megapixel count, the better the shot. While true to a certain point, there becomes a limit on how long that holds true.




A good example of that is the cell phones with high MP, but shit "lens."

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Oh come on, they take just as good of pictures as an SLR.

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Pro's use them ALL the time

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Happy belated birthday Matt ! !! 

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Nikon does a better job at attracting newbies. Newbies only care about MP and NIkon has got Canon beat on MP/$

We'll see how much shooting I do when I move and lose the landscape opportunities I have here. The fear of stopping the hobby is what's stopping my from investing more money into it.

I can certainly agree with that. I have met numerous people who think that the higher the megapixel count, the better the shot. While true to a certain point, there becomes a limit on how long that holds true.


Higher MP is always better..... Unless it's at the cost of other features. And right now you loose so much to chase MP.

12 MP is enough for posters.

In a studio, higher MP is king if you need to make a billboard.

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Titty sprinkles.

I scrolled up expecting such. WTF
'Tis the best phrase to kill a serious or heavy conversation....

{person 1} "As I see it, the protests/riots of uncalled for"

{person 2} "I disagree, it is civil display of speaking out"

{person 1} "No, it really just appears as an excuse for people to go nuts and damage business and attack peo.."

{person 2} "Titty sprinkles"

{person 1&2} Giggles


I will never forget that.


Aaron name your caliber and gun and I can meet you half way!

Not worth wasting your bullets. wink.png New campaign, Peace & Beer.

It would never be a waste to protect you and Arthur.

Thanks, but we are safe good sir.

Nobody is ever safe.


Thanks John Conner.

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Thanks fellas.


Did good enough to get a job and get into grad school. That's good enough for me!


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Titty sprinkles.

I scrolled up expecting such. WTF
'Tis the best phrase to kill a serious or heavy conversation....{person 1} "As I see it, the protests/riots of uncalled for"{person 2} "I disagree, it is civil display of speaking out"{person 1} "No, it really just appears as an excuse for people to go nuts and damage business and attack peo.."{person 2} "Titty sprinkles"{person 1&2} Giggles

I will never forget that.

Aaron name your caliber and gun and I can meet you half way!
Not worth wasting your bullets. ;) New campaign, Peace & Beer.
It would never be a waste to protect you and Arthur.
Thanks, but we are safe good sir.
Nobody is ever safe.

Thanks John Conner.


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Titty sprinkles.

I scrolled up expecting such. WTF
'Tis the best phrase to kill a serious or heavy conversation....

{person 1} "As I see it, the protests/riots of uncalled for"

{person 2} "I disagree, it is civil display of speaking out"

{person 1} "No, it really just appears as an excuse for people to go nuts and damage business and attack peo.."

{person 2} "Titty sprinkles"

{person 1&2} Giggles

I will never forget that.

Aaron name your caliber and gun and I can meet you half way!
Not worth wasting your bullets. wink.png New campaign, Peace & Beer.
It would never be a waste to protect you and Arthur.
Thanks, but we are safe good sir.

Nobody is ever safe.

Thanks John Conner.

No Fate

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No fate but what we make.

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When that sales rep you don't want to see is in your co-workers office and you accidentally walk by.....


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When that sales rep you don't want to see is in your co-workers office and you accidentally walk by.....


You say hi nicely and run off to your next meeting. Curious what he was selling.

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Bye, bye Asia. Shower, Breakfast, Massage and then airport.

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Headers are going on the truck on Tuesday smile.png

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Bye, bye Asia. Shower, Breakfast, Massage and then airport.

Way to slip that in there.

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Duh. So fucking cheap. 90min from someone with 5 years of study in reflexology for $45

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Duh. So fucking cheap. 90min from someone with 5 years of study in reflexology for $45

Price was reasonable if it included some luv me long time? With sucky sucky!!.. huh2.gif

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