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Mark LaFountain

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Stephan, I'm not sure how much you know about diabetes. I'm sorry if this is redundant info.

If you are not making enough insulin it's your pancreas. Shit is serious. That's type one. Type one is what we all think of as the serious version. Interestingly enough, type ones usually have better A1C numbers. Smart ones at least.

Type 2 is a form of resistance. The insulin is not getting into your cells. We could also call this as your body not making enough, because with more insulin the glucose will leave the blood. However the root problem is that what should be enough insulin to shuttle all that sugar, is just not doing it. I like to think of it as receptor downgrade as it helps me to understand the process. The hormone you produce is just not enough. This could be because of a billion reasons.

I assume your fasting BG was tested in the morning? I have what's called dawn syndrome. My BG is stratospheric in the morning. No food in me... My liver is making sugar all night for some reason is the best guess. That constant sugar bombardment(made from inside my own body) is probably why I am also insulin resistant.

So does your one time measurement of high BG mean you are diabetic? Unless you are taking something that modifies your metabolism, or you are quite sick, probably. Best way to tell is to get a double gulp of any freezy you can stomach. Grab a BG meter and test before, halfway through right after and then an hour after. If you read above 110 at any point, you are diabetic basically. This isn't a big deal.

To confirm get your A1C tested and see if your at a high level all the time. A1C is a better indication of health.

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Onto living with...

Type ones usually have better A1C because they use insulin and its predictable. While they don't make enough to live, they know what their basal rate is and adjust drugs accordingly.

Type 2 diabetics get metformin and glipizide. Metforming is awesome. Asks your liver to stop making so much Damn sugar. Also has the effect of making less insulin do more. Glipizide puts the spurs to your pancreas. Makes it step up it's insulin making game.

Those pills are enough for some type 2 patients. I hate them because I responded poorly, have horrible reactions, and my A1C was not different enough to notice. Right now I'm not medicated, I'm not working out as much, not watching my diet and my A1C is better than it has been in years. 100% due to reducing stress, cortisol and trying to increace testosterone and comfort level.

This you won't like to hear..... I know more people who have a larger spike in BG levels when they eat fat rich meals than carb rich meals. They do their best to eliminate foods with fat and carbs together. Eat microscopic portions of everything and time meals. They also basically only have fat in the form of olive oil. They had to eliminate all fat that was not HDL containing. So just fish and EVO. This could be a liver thing, this could be that fat slows absorption and thus increases resistance. The facts remain that we don't know how resistance works really. All I can tell you is I have seen them eat a TBSP of sugar, and it made their BG go up a bit, but the insulin did it's job and boom back to normal. Then she had a TSP of butter and that shit was high for a much longer time. Almost an hour compared to 10-15 min high for the sugar.

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Next.... Testing.

Test test test. Just approach it with a scientific look, not a patient look. Test 30-60-90 min after you eat. Test every morning before food OR WATER. Try different foods and see how you react. Learn what affects you.

If you drink, stop. Booze fucks with your BG in ways we don't understand. It drops BG hard, then let's it race up. It's horrible on someone with uncontrolled diabeetus. It can be a problem if you are controlled. Weed is not a lot better but at least it's calorie free. I would avoid all other recreational drugs until you know how food works in you first. Some can actually make you diabetic while the effects are working.

For non rec drugs avoid steroids like the plague. Special corticosteroids, but Arnold steroids could mask or make worse too. I actually feel that almost all androgens can help men who have diabetes massively but if you are on the juice, get off. Especially HGH. HGH can basically make you diabetic while using. So can many fat burning products. Almost all of them in fact. Even stuff as benign as ephedrine or similar can increase BG by burning fat. If you constantly are in a state of fat turning to sugar you will become diabetic based on resistance alone.

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Seth, I think Sean is saying skip the sugar unless it's actually fruit that you need to smash up(muddle). The sugar granules help muddle the fruit. If you are not actually working to crush up a piece of fruit or leaf of some kind just use the agave nectar.

I use agave myself. The texture is pleasant and its sweet without coloring the drink with a flavor like honey.

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  On 11/3/2014 at 6:05 PM, dem beats said:

Next.... Testing.

Test test test. Just approach it with a scientific look, not a patient look. Test 30-60-90 min after you eat. Test every morning before food OR WATER. Try different foods and see how you react. Learn what affects you.

If you drink, stop. Booze fucks with your BG in ways we don't understand. It drops BG hard, then let's it race up. It's horrible on someone with uncontrolled diabeetus. It can be a problem if you are controlled. Weed is not a lot better but at least it's calorie free. I would avoid all other recreational drugs until you know how food works in you first. Some can actually make you diabetic while the effects are working.

For non rec drugs avoid steroids like the plague. Special corticosteroids, but Arnold steroids could mask or make worse too. I actually feel that almost all androgens can help men who have diabetes massively but if you are on the juice, get off. Especially HGH. HGH can basically make you diabetic while using. So can many fat burning products. Almost all of them in fact. Even stuff as benign as ephedrine or similar can increase BG by burning fat. If you constantly are in a state of fat turning to sugar you will become diabetic based on resistance alone.


I did use Adderall a few days before the test, but I also read lit that amphetamines didn't effect fasting bg, so I don't know if that had any attribution. I drink about once a week.


The test was done in the morning after 16 hours fasting.


I honestly haven't eaten any abnormal amount of fat for the last year or so, but I'll definitely try testing bg before and after eating something sugar laden and later fat rich, though I thought protein effected insulin response more than fat?


I'll post more when I get a meter and go on a testing spree. Can I test on my thigh, or other than my fingers?

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  On 11/2/2014 at 7:22 PM, Penguin4x4 said:


Clearly Adrian has picked up a second job.

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Stephan, my guess as to why fat has a negative impact is that it puts extra strain and possible fat retention into you liver directly. I don't know. Protein has a favorable effect on your BG. Maybe because of the increase in metabolic function and or nitrogen ballance from protein. I think the "nitrogen" ballance plays a big role in diabetes and men. Most men with low T are at risk for type T. I would also guess that many men who have type 2 are never diagnosed but do have low T. I digress, that's a personal soap box of mine. Women can get damaging estrogen covered by health insurance, but a man wants to get his androgens on track and its like murder to even

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  On 11/3/2014 at 2:25 PM, ///M5 said:


  On 11/3/2014 at 2:20 PM, MKader17 said:


  On 11/3/2014 at 2:14 PM, ///M5 said:


  On 11/3/2014 at 2:12 AM, MKader17 said:

For commercial 4wd Loader applications we have seen 25%+ increase in fuel economy. This is in a 1st generation vehicle.


The big difference between commercial and "residential" if you will is that a commercial vehicle does work when it's not moving. In a general consumer application, if you engine is running and your not moving you are wasting money.

Good luck with constant rpm in a car and actually selling it. If you could force a user to do constant rpm in gas then the efficiency of that motor and emissions would shock you at how good it was.


Hmm, if I only had the money to do it myself and show the world.


I can give you the contact information for the head of powertrain for the big three, the Japanese interface for the local branches, and if I make a phone call all of the German companies.

Currently 100% of the manufacturers are behind on reaching for the International Carbon & Mileage requirements that are upcoming. They are trying EVERYTHING they know to get there. If you think the application at Deere is something special that they haven't already pursued that is really funny. Especially since it is already commercialized. These guys share information now on a daily basis, the competitive world has them hide some things but they are all struggling and working together more than you can imagine.

Exactly where I was last week, having future discussions and presentations with said group.



I'm not that dense. I was just making the point that just because you changed the form of energy doesn't necessarily mean it will not gain you net efficiency if you can gain it elsewhere. In our application, it works. My comment about showing the world was tongue in cheek.

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I'm on my cell right now Stephan, but you can find meters that test in several different places. I think it's called the freedom that I have. You can test arms hand and I think thigh. Have to look at each ones specifics, but the freedom is what I have. It has a butterfly on it.

The manufacturer and my diabetic counselor mention that it is less accurate the when you don't use your finger tips. I usually suffer through the finger pricks.


Try to be consistent with the spot you check I guess no matter where you decide, and make sure you clean it well, rinse it and dry it really well. Alchohol swabs, and some soaps will affect numbers and so can water or dirt.

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Anything that can help you loose weight(amphetamines for example) will Fuck with your BG.

I would be that it usually causes drops in BG as you develop a tic or move more so you burn more. But if you don't get active while it revved up the metabolism it may literally be metabolising fat into glucose and then if you just sit there, the glucose could then cause resistance.

I have my own ideas about it too. I think stimulants can also cause an increase in cortisol directly or sympatheticly from average lower kcal intake and extra stress/exertion on the CNS and muscle systems. This is especially amplified if you don't stay in motion while the drug is acting on your CNS. Again, this is all theory, but in my experience lower stress resulted in better BG than meds and high stress.

I'm also not in complete agony from my joints anymore.... So I feel better and probably move more. I'm eating like craps more however and BG is better.

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  On 11/3/2014 at 6:12 PM, dem beats said:

Seth, I think Sean is saying skip the sugar unless it's actually fruit that you need to smash up(muddle). The sugar granules help muddle the fruit. If you are not actually working to crush up a piece of fruit or leaf of some kind just use the agave nectar.

I use agave myself. The texture is pleasant and its sweet without coloring the drink with a flavor like honey.

Hmmm... I saw the Agave when I snagged the bitters but I was unsure. I also saw honey syrup, but that didn't hold my interest. I do like blue Agave tequilas, but I stopped as I didn't know what flavor it might impart. But I had considered mixing the Agave with the orange bitters, rather than using it on it's own.


Please pardon my ignorance, as I am typically a rocks kind of dude, who does prefer a sour when "top shelf" at the bar isn't the shit I might like as a well in my house. Swill, is the phrase I will kike from you. SO mixing is not something I am familiar with. I can make a mean Margarita, but that and a little whiskey sour is really the limit of my knowledge, and neither is particularly important to me... I may try adding a Manhattan to me mixing repertoire.


I did appreciate the orange flavor that the orange bitters did impart, as I am a sucker for orange. But I worry that the only reason that one might use Agave is to impart sweetness. Or is it a combo of the orange bitters and Agave?


Sorry if this has already been answered, I am just snagging these replies one by one.

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  On 11/3/2014 at 1:57 AM, MKader17 said:


  On 11/2/2014 at 12:12 AM, sandt38 said:

Been making my own old fashioneds tonight. I grabbed up 2 bottles of double oaked, a bottle of orange bitters, a bottle of plain bitters, a box of brown sugar cubes, a box of white sugar cubes, a bag of brown sugar (light) and a bag of white sugar. I always wanted to try them, and never have... I figured I would stay in tonight, and get fucked up trying my favorite bourbon. I didn't waste any time on club soda (because I refuse to add that shit to fine bourbon), water, or the traditional garnishes, which include lemon peel, lemon zest, orange slices and cherrys (some recipes also call for sour cherry juice).


Please be aware and keep in mind that I love bourbon with a couple cubes. No water, no mixers... just very good whiskey. I truly enjoy it. I would rather drink a good bourbon than eat Kate Upton's pussy/asshole... Yes, I like it that much. One of my favorites is Woodford Reserve Double Oaked. It is a mid/high end bourbon that costs ~$60 a bottle (local taxes included). It is not cheap, but it is not Pappy Van Winkle expensive either.


I will give you what is considered a rough recipe, and you can base some assumptions on the others based on the ingredients above if I don't include them below, since I am kinda fucked up...


3-4 dashes of bitters (in some cases all orange bitters, in some 50/50 orange and plain, and some straight plain), 1/2-1tsp of sugar (again, straight plain or 2 cubes of plain, 50/50 white/brown or 1 cube of each), 2 Oz of bourbon, ice cubes and in some cases a splash of water or club soda... Again, fuck watering it down, so no club or water was used. Also, I read a shit ton of arguments about what a dash is. Some say 1/8 a teaspoon, some say 1/4. I decided in 1/4 as a dash because 1/8 didn't do shit for flavor or pulverization/liquification of the sugar cubes.


I tried it with cubes. I did not like cubes at all. I don't want to have to sit there and break up cubes for 20 minutes to have a drink. Cubes do not change the flavor over straight sugar/brown sugar. Don't waste the time. If you want cubes to try them, I will send you the trays of cubes I bought that were utter bullshit.


Straight bitters... Nope. I didn't get much off the straight bitters in my mix. It was a waste of $5. Even the 50/50 straight/orange was not a good drink.


So to simplify, buy orange bitters and granulated white/brown sugar. The process is simplified and the overall experience is much more pleasant.


Brown sugar is OK. I like the slight molasses flavor it imparts. I find that the molasses flavor has a bit too much of a back of the tongue hanging bittersweet taste that I like, but it is not my favorite. While I am not a big chocolate fan, I do like bittersweet dark chocolate, so consider that when you decide your mix.


To me, the best flavor is 1.5/1.5 tsp white granulated sugar/orange bitters to 4Oz of bourbon. It has a great bittersweet orange flavor that does not overpower the flavor of the bourbon. The bourbon stands right out in the forefront, but the aftertaste of the semi-sweet orange is a peasant addition to the strong flavor of the bourbon.


While I generally do not like bourbon mixes (aside from a sour) I will drink this from time to time. The benefits of this are:

  • You do not cut down the bourbon much at all... I hate a drink that cuts the base liquor by 66%... I am a man, not a woman. I like liquor, not wine coolers, white Russians, or Stoli-Colling
  • You do get the sturdy flavor of a good bourbon without a lot of coloration. However, the aftertaste is a pleasant surprise.
  • It does have a  sweet aroma, making it pretend to be delicate, yet it fools you with a full flavored complex taste that is still taste bold on the tongue.
  • I can buy a cheaper liquor and still have a "high end" experiance.

The negatives are simple:

  • It is a flavored drink. If you are a hard core straight liquor drinker this is not for you.
  • If your pocket is fat, this is a waste of time because you can afford a weekly fifth of Pappy 18 year at $1K/ bottle. If so, I will blow you for this pleasure. I drink 2-3 bottles of bourbon a week, thanks!

In the future, I will likely save the money and buy the Woodford Distillers Select (at $32 a fifth it is nearly 1/2 as expensive) to make these drinks. But they are worth considering.



You need to make a simple syrup. It's so easy and the benefit of actually dissolving into the drink


My Old fashioned consist of the following:


A few shakes of bitters (I've never felt like I've overpowered it)

Maraschino Cherry

Slice of Orange (or sub orange liquor in a pinch)


Fill most of the rest of glass with bourbon

One more Cherry

Spash of Club Soda (I feel like carbonation enhances the flavor)

Slice of Orange for garnish


I use the ice to muddle the first ingredients and then stir a little after the club soda.


Obviously our recipes are very different. I really like the way the fruit and club soda enhances the flavor. You are correct that great bourbon is not necessary. I pull out the Evan Williams Black Bourbon mostly for an old fashioned. the Bulleit 10 Year and Texas Bourbon are better enjoyed with a bit of ice.




Glad I remembered you replied too Mike. I wanted to ask what you use as a syrup? Next, do you prefer orange bitters, or plain bitters? To me, plain did nothing, is why I ask. Why the cherry and orange, then another cherry and orange? Not trying to be a smartass, I am trying to understand the art form of mixing, as I am a rocks kind of dude... I am learning! I use 12Oz rocks glasses, so I may skinny that up a bit ;). I do like the flavor that big fragrence imparts, so I tend to use big glasses.


Now on to club soda, as I do have questions about it. My concern is the bitterness that I taste with club soda. But I was wondering if the effervescence also added to the aroma. I can see how it will pull the flavor, via aroma, out of the drink, but is it really enough to overcome the bitterness that club soda imparts?


Thanks. I know you like good beers and have a similar palate when it comes to stouts as I do... so your input is valuable to me.

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Agave is as close to flavorless as you will get next to white sugar. It would be almost impossible to tell the difference. The practical use and the mouth feel of agave appeals to me.

As for club soda, that means carbonated water to me. It will just be water. Carbonic acid would be the only flavor I can think of.

It might lift some of the Orange notes from the bitters as would the fizz.

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  On 11/4/2014 at 1:15 AM, dem beats said:

Agave is as close to flavorless as you will get next to white sugar. It would be almost impossible to tell the difference. The practical use and the mouth feel of agave appeals to me.

As for club soda, that means carbonated water to me. It will just be water. Carbonic acid would be the only flavor I can think of.

It might lift some of the Orange notes from the bitters as would the fizz.

so still run it 1/1 on the Agave/orange bitters?

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That sounds good, maybe a touch less agave as it's pretty sweet.

Seth have you ever had a sour made with eggwhites?

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No, just the typical in bar quick mix. I may grab some Knob Creek in the next couple days to perfect my mixes, so I'll try any suggested bourbon/whiskey blends. I grabbed up some DMT and may want to play with some afterburner mixes... I do love that shit.


I am also planning on a Manhattan if you have a preference.

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Beat me to it...

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Seth are you going to get drunk again an send me those nasty PM's?

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  On 11/4/2014 at 1:57 AM, mikel7829 said:

Seth are you going to get drunk again an send me those nasty PM's?


I'm already drunk... time for those PMs!


Your cockblock app has little likelihood of working against my massive manmilk maker, my friend!

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  On 11/4/2014 at 1:57 AM, mikel7829 said:

Seth are you going to get drunk again an send me those nasty PM's?

DMT and porn fueled thermal images of Russell the one eyed love muscle. Better you than me.

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Good to see you starting to join the darkside, bro... Fuck that bullshit joint!


Let's smoke some DMT!

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  On 11/4/2014 at 2:08 AM, j-roadtatts said:


  On 11/4/2014 at 1:57 AM, mikel7829 said:

Seth are you going to get drunk again an send me those nasty PM's?

DMT and porn fueled thermal images of Russell the one eyed love muscle. Better you than me.




I actually heard of people using it during sex. I can't even stand up, much less fuck...


Truth be told, I did manage to walk once. I felt like I was bouncing up and down like I was in a car with no shocks in super slow motion. Every step was an action and reaction. The room was bobbing like I was on open seas. It was a difficult proposition. I imagine fucking would be cool, but I couldn't even begin to imagine getting a hard on like that.

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But honestly, you see thermal images. The colors look exactly like that, now that you mention it. Not just close, but exactly! Remember how I described colors? Lots of orange, reds, and blues! There were whites too.




No shit, this is the stuff you see. Same colors, same images.

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