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Mark LaFountain

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Nope, Jon want a perm. like Friday. . . . Big Perm!

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If the shipping companies deliver on time, I should be getting new brake pads and brake levers and some old-school cantilever brakes this week. Along with my Hazet torque wrench. 


Hopefully they are more timely then Snap On. My roll cart I ordered 2 weeks ago won't be here for at least 2 more weeks. Please share you pics and thoughts on the quality of the Hazet wrench. I hope my advice proves positive for you.



Thankfully it's in stock on a small mom&pop shop but to save shipping costs it's shipped to a location in Germany and from there to here. 

Anyway, if it's anything like the old 1/4" ratchet I have, it should be the bomb. I will post some thoughts, with pics :) 

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...but if I am ever on a hoveround I'm wiring that bitch to do 60mph



That thing looks like a weapon :lol:

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anyone have a mechanical keyboard. i'm thinking about getting one..  moreee clicky click

My mechanical keyboard is probably around 15 years old, the spacebar has a big wear mark, also all the keys which are commonly used have wear marks. It's almost second nature typing on it :lol:

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anyone have a mechanical keyboard. i'm thinking about getting one..  moreee clicky click


Only kind I use. Can't stand mushy, gushy POS keyboards.


brown's seem to be recommended for a mix of gaming and typing. not sure how much i want to invest in a keyboard right now. 

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clicky top! 

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wow, not even 3k post yet. :( 

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I want to eat Michelle Jenneke for breakfast, lunch, and dinner.



That dance she does is something else. I need to see the SI issue and the extras. When I get them I'll be sure to share.


 i mean what ever i dont sit around thinking what is and is not a sport... but it is in the name... "sport fishing"

 and if fishing is a sport then audio comps are too...


 i mean it takes a skill set, there are rules to follow, there is a scoring system..and a bracket.and winners and losers .. its a sport!

I see your point(s). 


Me, personally, I don't consider anything a sport that does not have athletes.  This could be a fine line though.  Many don't consider motor racing a sport, but the training those guys do, and the g-forces and endurance they subject their bodies to is similar to traditional sports, so they are athletes in my eyes.  Then we have well, fishing, bowling, golf to an extent, curling, ha. 

 thank you, and i agree motor racing is also a sport.



Sport fishing is really not just bigmouth fishing. If you have ever been out sport fishing you know you get a workout. The biggest fish I have ever brought in was ~125 pound yellowfin. It was way out when I hooked it, and it took about 45 minutes to get it in. I nailed an 80 pound dolfin and got so worn out I couldn't get it out of the water. My arms were like jelly when it came up beside the boat. We were trolling deep hoping for some blues.








Chill, I assume your talking about me... Since 6 people text me and said so.

I was kicked off the team....I didn't turn my back on anybody.

Shit got tense waiting, sure. I told mark I can't afford to use the evils on the next big build. I guess he took it as I dont want to use ssa anymore. No matter what my price was, 16 or 18 of them was not needed or in the budget.

Either way, some people told them I was trash talking the product so the booted me. Can't blame them. If I was them I would of at least asked me what was said and why. But its their team to do what they want. I made some indirect negative comments on Facebook. Only a few people knew what I was talking about. I have moved on.

Chill, get your facts straight before you talk more shit. I didn't turn my back on ssa.

at least I went straight to your topic and posted in there so you knew I was talking about you. I'm glad you put the story out here though so everybody knows what actually happened instead of assuming like I did. I'm sorry for that Steve and for what went down with the team

Yeah that's not the whole story

wish somebody would get it straight
Doesn't matter.  It's between Steve and Mark.   Everyone else needs to mind their damn business.
its always better to know the whole story that way the bad guy isn't made out to look like the good guy. Because of what Steve said is correct then it really makes SSA look bad, but if its like I originally thought then I shouldn't be apologizing to Steve for what I originally said.


Actually it is better to just keep the fuck out of it. It is really none of your business. Every argument has at least 2 sides, and from each one's perspective they are right. It is not for you to step in and voice your opinion when you have no stake, and clearly not the slightest idea what is going on.


I thought you were an adult and a man? Why would you just come into a thread where there is no discussion about this and quack about it like a teenage girl?

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Okay how do I say this without looking like a noob.

How the hell do you turn on and off signatures

I don't know if this link will work http://www.soundsolutionsaudio.com/forum/index.php?app=core&module=usercp&tab=core&area=ignoredusers


If not it is under settings, then ignore preferences. 

Thanks man. I was also hoping to see the ability to suppress images there but no dice

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Okay how do I say this without looking like a noob.

How the hell do you turn on and off signatures

I don't know if this link will work http://www.soundsolutionsaudio.com/forum/index.php?app=core&module=usercp&tab=core&area=ignoredusers


If not it is under settings, then ignore preferences. 

Thanks man. I was also hoping to see the ability to suppress images there but no dice

If I want you to see tits, you're gonna see tits!

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Wichita sucks, I just got here to the in laws.

I had a good time. You should check out fresh roast coffee. He's only open Saturday from 8-10am and he sells beans that he roasted the day before. Was amazing.

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Wichita sucks, I just got here to the in laws.

I had a good time. You should check out fresh roast coffee. He's only open Saturday from 8-10am and he sells beans that he roasted the day before. Was amazing.

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Wichita sucks, I just got here to the in laws.

I had a good time. You should check out fresh roast coffee. He's only open Saturday from 8-10am and he sells beans that he roasted the day before. Was amazing.

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Okay how do I say this without looking like a noob.

How the hell do you turn on and off signatures

I don't know if this link will work http://www.soundsolutionsaudio.com/forum/index.php?app=core&module=usercp&tab=core&area=ignoredusers


If not it is under settings, then ignore preferences. 

Thanks man. I was also hoping to see the ability to suppress images there but no dice


Adblock Plus will do the trick.


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First time doing fiberglass work. Waiting for the resin to harden.

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Was going to do it for the work comp, but since I have the iPad I guess it's not needed.

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Lost 6.2 pounds in the last week! Ohhh yeah and that's after "losing" 2 pounds in one day before my "official" weigh in.

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Been doing it all eating paleo and eating delicious.

Though I've been getting too little protein. Going to bring that up this week.

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Was going to do it for the work comp, but since I have the iPad I guess it's not needed.

On their site it says Firefox, Opera, Chrome and Android. Sorry.


I have been rocking the "no signature" feature for a long time now. Clean look.

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First time doing fiberglass work. Waiting for the resin to harden.



More importantly, make sure you allow enough time to cool properly.

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Wichita sucks, I just got here to the in laws.

I had a good time. You should check out fresh roast coffee. He's only open Saturday from 8-10am and he sells beans that he roasted the day before. Was amazing.



Wichita sucks, I just got here to the in laws.

I had a good time. You should check out fresh roast coffee. He's only open Saturday from 8-10am and he sells beans that he roasted the day before. Was amazing.



Wichita sucks, I just got here to the in laws.

I had a good time. You should check out fresh roast coffee. He's only open Saturday from 8-10am and he sells beans that he roasted the day before. Was amazing.


Dude, you're stuttering again. Time to reintroduce more protein into your diet again, my friend

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First time doing fiberglass work. Waiting for the resin to harden.



More importantly, make sure you allow enough time to cool properly.

I am done for the day. Gonna let it sit overnight and see how it is in the morning. I need to learn.

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