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  On 1/24/2013 at 10:21 PM, nem said:

Matt your like a Genie.

Because you dream of me?

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  On 1/24/2013 at 12:10 AM, Penguin4x4 said:
Here is a list of celebrities, sponsors, and vendors who have pulled out of the Reed Exhibits Eastern Sports and Outdoors Show in Harrisburg, PA for 2013. The show was set to run from Feb 2-10, 2013 and usually attracted hundreds of thousands of visitors. This however will not be the case this year as they have made an announcement that they will not support our Second Amendment Rights as Hunters, Shooting Sports Enthusiasts, Gun Owner, and AMERICANS ! We at MyNortheastOutdoors.com decided it was time to take a stand, and have enjoyed the support of the following businesses and entities listed below.

The entire event has been canceled due to the number of exhibitors pulling out. Niiice.

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  On 1/24/2013 at 10:24 PM, dem beats said:
  On 1/24/2013 at 10:21 PM, nem said:

Matt your like a Genie.

Because you dream of me?


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  On 1/24/2013 at 10:21 PM, nem said:

Matt your like a Genie.

Rub him like a lamp and your gay wish comes true?

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  On 1/24/2013 at 10:24 PM, dem beats said:
  On 1/24/2013 at 10:21 PM, nem said:
Matt your like a Genie.
Because you dream of me?


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  On 1/24/2013 at 3:57 PM, The enD said:
I am not adding a cap, lol. I've recently added a battery in the back. My voltage is good. It even cranks differently, more "stable" so to speak. I'll have to measure the exact voltage at cranking.

I didn't mean it in the sense of a Kicker 5 OMGWTFBBQSauce Farad Cap. But if you really needed to keep your HU on during start up it may be a way to smooth the voltage

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  On 1/24/2013 at 10:53 PM, Penguin4x4 said:
  On 1/24/2013 at 12:10 AM, Penguin4x4 said:
Here is a list of celebrities, sponsors, and vendors who have pulled out of the Reed Exhibits Eastern Sports and Outdoors Show in Harrisburg, PA for 2013. The show was set to run from Feb 2-10, 2013 and usually attracted hundreds of thousands of visitors. This however will not be the case this year as they have made an announcement that they will not support our Second Amendment Rights as Hunters, Shooting Sports Enthusiasts, Gun Owner, and AMERICANS ! We at MyNortheastOutdoors.com decided it was time to take a stand, and have enjoyed the support of the following businesses and entities listed below.

The entire event has been canceled due to the number of exhibitors pulling out. Niiice.

I'm so confused. Why are gun companies backing out of this?

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The show banned showing Modern Sporting Rifles; i.e. AR15's, M1's, AK's, Mini 14's, and other so called "assault weapons". The NRA wanted them to reconsider, the show refused, and the NRA backed out with some gun companies following their lead. And then other companies started pulling out until the people putting on the convention canceled.

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Even companies that only built archery equipment pulled out.

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“Our original decision not to include certain products in the Eastern Sports and Outdoor Show this year was made in order to preserve the event’s historical focus on the hunting and fishing traditions enjoyed by American families,” said Chet Burchett, Reed Exhibitions President for the Americas. “In the current climate, we felt that the presence of MSR's would distract from the theme of hunting and fishing, disrupting the broader experience of our guests. This was intended simply as a product decision, of the type event organizers need to make every day.

“It has become very clear to us after speaking with our customers that the event could not be held because the atmosphere of this year’s show would not be conducive to an event that is designed to provide family enjoyment. It is unfortunate that in the current emotionally charged atmosphere this celebratory event has become overshadowed by a decision that directly affected a small percentage of more than 1,000 exhibits showcasing products and services for those interested in hunting and fishing.

“ESOS has long been proud to participate in the preservation and promotion of hunting and fishing traditions, and we hope that as the national debate clarifies, we will have an opportunity to consider rescheduling the event when the time is right to focus on the themes it celebrates.”

Reed Exhibitions' (the company putting on the event) official press release.

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  On 1/25/2013 at 2:49 AM, MKader17 said:
They don't like making gobs of cash?

For sure all the exhibitors will take a financial hit from this, especially the mom and pop operations (guide services, B&B's/resorts/land leasers, independent outfitters, etc.).

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Good really. Eff that convention, I hope it wakes the citizens up as the city probably will lose quite a bit of money.

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Given the size of Harrisburg in relation to the size of the convention, I'm betting a whole shit ton of money.

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okay that got posted one too late. I'm not for mom and pops getting hurt, and I understand the "hunting" tradition, but if you've had those guns in previous years then you should conduct business as usual.

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