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Mark LaFountain

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That is the absolute champion for drunk looking autocorrected words.


Unfucking unbelievable.

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Okay, with the camera on the way I have some shooting questions.

Should I shoot in RAW always? I will have Lightroom, so I should be able to fix my white balance mistakes in post processing.

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Also, if you can point me towards sites or YouTube videos to help me learn, please let me know.

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I always only shoot raw.  I haven't found any good help for people shooting online...but am curious too lol.  Especially if a flash is added.

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On 12/31/2016 at 0:08 PM, MKader17 said:

Okay, with the camera on the way I have some shooting questions.

Should I shoot in RAW always? I will have Lightroom, so I should be able to fix my white balance mistakes in post processing.

Always raw, and yes use lightroom.

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19 hours ago, MKader17 said:

Also, if you can point me towards sites or YouTube videos to help me learn, please let me know.

I enjoy watching digitalrevtv.  A lot of what you will find is product review.


If you want to really learn though B&H has a TON of youtube tutorials.

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Thanks, I'm looking at getting started guides to at least understand how to use it. And I'm also looking at different videos of people explaining their shots. I'm trying to focus on people shoot portraits with natural light.

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Start shooting.  Set your aperature at 1.4 and blast away

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I prefer to set on aperture priority and vary that for whatever task is at hand and let the shutter speed float.  If shutter is being to long you can always bump film speed up.   

Unless it's shots that dictate a shutter speed, yes it can be to fast.   

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When im trying to make money it's in aperature priority and i set collars on the ISO and the shutter speed.  


If I can do test shooting, I create a manual setting that gives me a good basic starting point for pictures in that room.


I usually do not have the time to make manual changes.

Edited by dem beats

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I tried the brute force method to learn.  ie, take the same shot with a ton of different settings to figure out what they do.  While that works, I would encourage you to instead shoot something and post it with the settings and we can discuss.

Need to share what you can change: Aperature, Shutter speed, ISO, Exposure compensation, & if you remember Focus method.

That pretty much of course is 99% of what you change when shooting.  If those don't work and you need more light I would turn on the lights first before gathering a flash.  I kept it dumb with shutter speed only as really the rest is meaningless until you shoot some pictures.

Some general guidelines:

-Shutter speed no faster than 1/focal length, unless with kids/people then try like hell to keep it at 1/200 or faster

-I underexpose 1/3 of a stop as a default setting.  When shooting buildings I may stop that down to a full stop.  Overexposing kills a pic, under you can actually use to increase your dynamic range which can help light gathering as much as a great lens.  Getting more than a stop by any method is HUGE.

-ISO - I leave it on 100 (until I can't then Auto*).  On the 60d you really won't want to shoot anything beyond 3200 and even that is far from ideal.  *this will annoy the shit out of you right now as you will need to fidget with it regularly

-Lots of kids in a room with varying backgrounds I always shoot in manual.  To deal with Matt's problem here I will use Auto ISO...but watch it closely to adapt.

-Smallest aperature possible for anything more "zoomed" than waist up, f11/13 or where your lens/camera combo is sharpest for stills of buildings etc.

The rest is just shoot and reflect on what is good, bad and then fix it next time.  You'll learn fast.

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SHOW YOUR WIFE the green full auto mode.  For what she wants it will work.  Tell her EVERY time she picks up the camera she should switch it to Auto OR shoot the pic as is and then quickly reshoot in full Auto.

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I LOVE center focus only on babies.  Hit their eye and frame.  That setting won't follow the Auto though so your wives photos will be out of focus.  Using the 9 center points should resolve this 85% of the time.  Won't be as nailed for you.

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The other thing you will quickly learn is that if you want to have pictures like a photographer would take of your family...you need to act like a photographer.  ie, have the camera on and in your hand A LOT.  You don't hire a wedding photographer to take pictures for 3 1 minute intervals in a full day for a reason.  This one is hard...but rewarding.  Of course taking shots of things helps resolve this a lot...but requires 1 more rule.

-Stuff outside is always best shot 1hr before sunrise or 1hr before sunset (+/-45min).  For sunset planning your shot TOWARDS the sun is ideal.  Sounds strange, but :doit:


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We have 4 payouts in our fantasy league that are more than $10

Most points, best record, superbowl, weekly picks.


....I won them all. :D

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12 guys, about $190 per person a year incoming

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1/2 my payout for best record is being split...unless the tie breakers apply

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Fastest shutter speed possible while not disturbing the photo doesn't suck either.


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1/4000 of a second freezes even fast time

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5DS for $2500 almost made me do it.  Camera talk on here is dangerous to me.

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Early this year I thought this game would be irrelevant.  


DAMN I HATE the packers.

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16 hours ago, ///M5 said:

5DS for $2500 almost made me do it.  Camera talk on here is dangerous to me.

Dont do it.  You would like a 7dmkii more.

Its a better camera for you.

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