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Mark LaFountain

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Hello everybody! smile.png

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Good thing the democratic party debate is in Vegas.

Only place where that much corruption and lack of fortitude will fit in.

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Question for Sean or anyone else really. What is your method for finding the bandwidth of a midrange driver? Particularly the upper limit. Driver is tb 1337, off axis in the kick panel along with dayton nd20's.

I am listening to the 1337's right now FULL range tongue.png

Of course, mine are on axis.

As for "testing" you have three main options. Sine waves, Bandpass filter white/pink noise, music. The latter being the hardest to tell frequency range, the first being obnoxious and capable of masking reality if you listen to them.

With a hard cone like that you also have to worry about the breakup mode distorting your reality. ie, trying to listen to them full range and equalizing out the breakup would be good. They have a breakup that adds >10dB of gain above 10kHz. If you don't want to go through the effort of neutralizing that on these, I'd just make sure my crossover is at least 10dB down by 10-11kHz and then do your listening tests. Anything less will handicap the results with the extra gain up top. Make sure to try different slopes and see when you change the cross point if you like one better than the other.

They have a sensitivity null somewhere around 1kHz or so as well IIRC. A shelf filter above that rolloff isn't a terrible idea either. Of course this assumes you have a somewhat flexible processor.


Im sure the tweets can pick up the 10khz+ range. 


I think I understand you instructions but I haven't noticed the null above 1khz yet, but I think you can see it in the published freq response. My minidps can do shelf filters. So should I add a bit of gain above 1khz? Tangental question, does the hiccup in the impedance plot at 900-1000hz correspond to the sensitivity null? here's a link to the pdf. 

No gain necessary. 1k you have more car problems to deal with than driver problems.

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On as plane with the w. Paris and food here we come

What are ya'll eating first?

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Same here. Reason I hate Catholicism.

I just toured some of the most idiotic $$ ever spent in the name of Catholism.

Hell, Louis the 14th's house took more than half the GNP of France to build.

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Made the Green Thai Curry last night (and added chicken) it turned out pretty well. My wife didn't enjoy it a lot for some reason.

Next time, I think I will Pep up the flavor/heat with an addition of more chili's as I used the pre-made green curry paste.

Looks like you could use more liquid. More heat doesn't hurt either.

Does your wife normally like curry and/or green beans. If not....well then it won't work for sure.

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Question for Sean or anyone else really. What is your method for finding the bandwidth of a midrange driver? Particularly the upper limit. Driver is tb 1337, off axis in the kick panel along with dayton nd20's.

I am listening to the 1337's right now FULL range tongue.png

Of course, mine are on axis.

As for "testing" you have three main options. Sine waves, Bandpass filter white/pink noise, music. The latter being the hardest to tell frequency range, the first being obnoxious and capable of masking reality if you listen to them.

With a hard cone like that you also have to worry about the breakup mode distorting your reality. ie, trying to listen to them full range and equalizing out the breakup would be good. They have a breakup that adds >10dB of gain above 10kHz. If you don't want to go through the effort of neutralizing that on these, I'd just make sure my crossover is at least 10dB down by 10-11kHz and then do your listening tests. Anything less will handicap the results with the extra gain up top. Make sure to try different slopes and see when you change the cross point if you like one better than the other.

They have a sensitivity null somewhere around 1kHz or so as well IIRC. A shelf filter above that rolloff isn't a terrible idea either. Of course this assumes you have a somewhat flexible processor.



Im sure the tweets can pick up the 10khz+ range. 


I think I understand you instructions but I haven't noticed the null above 1khz yet, but I think you can see it in the published freq response. My minidps can do shelf filters. So should I add a bit of gain above 1khz? Tangental question, does the hiccup in the impedance plot at 900-1000hz correspond to the sensitivity null? here's a link to the pdf. 


No gain necessary. 1k you have more car problems to deal with than driver problems.


sound good. I got some garbage in the 2-4k range that needs help. 

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Comments from FB Post.
I'll take either "What are you doing?" or "Fucking ruined." I like my meat dead before I eat it.  
This drives me crazy, I will only eat well done steak, but I refuse to be bullied by chefs refusing to cook it well done, because they say it ruins it. It doesn't ruin it, I've had beautiful tendor and tasty WD steaks! I won't order steak out for dinner anymore, will only cook it at home to avoid the harassment. What happened to whatever the customer wants after all we pay the chefs wages.  
My steak needs to be cooked!! Any redness or blood you might as well slap a band-aid on it and send it back out to the pasture to graze... Gross!! Lol  
I'll take the fucking ruined, when did eating raw meat become the trend?  
Fucking ruined... I don't fancy taking on any fucking bacteria or parasite.  

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Anyone got a pemmican recipe? I just want a brick of calories to munch on throughout the day until I get home.

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3/5ths of those are FUCKING RUINED

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No, but am interested if you find something you like.

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Actually if I cooked something that looked like what they are picturing as Medium Rare I'd call that ruined. The inconsistency in it is horseshit.

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I'll upload some other food pr0n later on today. Just thought that was too appropriate to wait.

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Shit, Sean I accidentally deleted your pigeon post trying to quote. Don't know how to get it back.

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No idea what else I posted detail wise tongue.png

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Good ole Amazon...








Edited by Penguin4x4

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For most of those pictures I wondered who ordered three bottles of vitamins and a banana from Amazon.

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where is the street legal version of this


Damn thing would be sexy

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