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Mark LaFountain

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Buy something as new as you can that has depreciated a crap ton that you expect to not depreciate quickly from that point on. Buying price - eventual selling price + whatever ownership costs you want to include is the calculation to use. Not buying price.

So the cost of a lease would be (down payment plus monthly payment * 36) -0 + ( maintenance (0)+ wear and tear+ lease fees) =cost
Don't forget the potential over mileage as well. Those fee's hurt.
Iirc my dad pays extra to allow for more mileage


You missed the point.  You either pay for mileage you do not use or you pay extra when you use too much.  It's a cost and fits in your equation.  If it is all paid up front you can be blind to it and just consider it cost, but if you go over you underestimated.


There is one time I've seen where a lease makes sense.  My boss bought a new Toureg.  His lease payment was subsidized in rate such that the sum of the lease payments + the buyout were LESS than the negotiated purchasing price.  Obviously then it is a no brainer.  It was a whopping $300 difference, but why not as it gave him the flexilibility to walk away.


The fundamental flaw of a lease is that you are leasing a new car.  This means no matter what you suffer from a depreciation hit that is huge.  The second problem is you are being loaned both the value of the car and the value of the residual which is why they use a money factor instead of an APR.  They have to hide it from you.  Add to that the fact that the residual value is based on whole sale you get doubly fucked.  Manufacturers of course realize this and subsidize it to make it work sometimes.


I lease a used car.  No companies do this in a normal lease fashion anymore.  The lease your dad has is a CLOSED ended lease.  Meaning the price of the car at the end of the lease is pre-determined.  I lease used with an OPEN ended lease.  This means I pick my residual value, but am also responsible.  ie, if I buy a car for $50k and pick $25k as my residual at the end of the lease if the car is worth $30k I can sell it and pocket $5k, but if it is worth $20k then I owe $5k.  The advantage of an open ended lease is that the money factor (APR) is usually much lower as there is no risk for the leasing company.  It also allows businesses to then lease cars for the tax write off.



Thanks for the information. It's hard a hell to find real information about leases (particularly the money factor). I always wondered how you leased a used vehicle. It's good information to know. So at the end of your lease are you responsible for selling the vehicle? Also, I remembered in the past saying something along the lines that you may get it "for free". How did that work?


I didn't miss the part about the extra mileage, just meant that in my equation it was already lumped in to the payment. In no way was I saying it was worth it or that he wasn't paying for it.


I feel like my dad got screwed on the deal. The worst part is it seemed by talking to him that, in his gut, he didn't care for the deal, but after getting his car totaled he went right back and did the exact same thing! It seems unlike him. The only new car him and mom ever bought was back in 1990. The only difference now is he has the cash available to buy any car he wants.

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My residual is $500 so almost free

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Ahh, so basically your company is paying a 3 year loan -$500 on the vehicle under a lease contract?


I assume they give you a stipend and whatever you can do with it is fine with them? Then at the end, you get to choose what happens with the lease vehicle and you start a new lease?


Does your company have any restrictions on lease vehicles?

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I have flexibility that most don't have...

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Company policy and my reality don't match, but that isn't the point of the policy.

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Blood tests confirm hypothyroidism. Yay.

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I have hyper.  I'm a fucking stick.

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I have hyper.  I'm a fucking stick.


Do they test from a blood sample? I fit the symptoms pretty well.

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They can.  I've had every type of bodily fluid, plasma, bonemarrow,etc. test you could imagine.

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I have hyper.  I'm a fucking stick.

Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder? If you are on amphetamines they tend to make you loose weight if that is what your talking about.





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Streamlight DS HL $125 with charging cradle


- I love the cradle but NIMH

-Output is a bit low: 640 for 1h15m, 340 for 2h

Olight M22 Warrior - $78


-I have 18650's already so that is nice, but sucks I have to remove them

-Output is good, but medium which I'd probably use a lot is lower than the Streamlight: 950 for 1h, 250 for 3hr

Nitecore P25 - $84


-USB port .... I'd prefer a cradle but better than removing batteries

-Output is great: 960 for 1h45, 605 for 2h, 200 for 7h (I expect for biking 605 will be what I use and 960 for on the boat)

Fenix UC50 - $121


-Cradle charger...but not an 18650

-Usable output 900 for 1.25, 415 for 2.75

Sort of makes me either want the Fenix...but I hate the proprietary battery. The cradle hanging on the garage wall is perfect as I wouldn't have the then plug anything in. Output wise I think the Nitecore wins for what I want. Aargh. Why is this so hard.

I will look at this later but I'm general I would really recommend fenix as a brand. They really make a solid product for a good price. Sometimes they are quirky with the UI however.

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Blood tests confirm hypothyroidism. Yay.

That blows donkey dick.

Sometimes I wonder if I have that in addition to muh beetus.

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I have hyper. I'm a fucking stick.

Do they test from a blood sample? I fit the symptoms pretty well.

Be careful with your fats and carbs. Hyper turns to beetus faster than hypo so say my endo.

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I have hypothyroidism and I'm hyperactive. I'm a hyper hypo.



I butchered the quote but it's still funny.

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Streamlight DS HL $125 with charging cradle


- I love the cradle but NIMH

-Output is a bit low: 640 for 1h15m, 340 for 2h

Olight M22 Warrior - $78


-I have 18650's already so that is nice, but sucks I have to remove them

-Output is good, but medium which I'd probably use a lot is lower than the Streamlight: 950 for 1h, 250 for 3hr

Nitecore P25 - $84


-USB port .... I'd prefer a cradle but better than removing batteries

-Output is great: 960 for 1h45, 605 for 2h, 200 for 7h (I expect for biking 605 will be what I use and 960 for on the boat)

Fenix UC50 - $121


-Cradle charger...but not an 18650

-Usable output 900 for 1.25, 415 for 2.75

Sort of makes me either want the Fenix...but I hate the proprietary battery. The cradle hanging on the garage wall is perfect as I wouldn't have the then plug anything in. Output wise I think the Nitecore wins for what I want. Aargh. Why is this so hard.

I will look at this later but I'm general I would really recommend fenix as a brand. They really make a solid product for a good price. Sometimes they are quirky with the UI however.
Olight is Foursevens and nitecore is a poor man's surefire according to what I've seen. The m22 would be the best for the lake the nitecore the bike. I don't really need that much help on the boat so the compromise will go to keeping me alive in traffic versus the insured boat off the rocks

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Four sevens is definitely legit for their AA.

Olight has a good reputation also. Nitecore too.

Fenix just seems to have been the absolute best value per lumen and quality.

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For the record my ~250 lumen AA four sevens is easily enough total output for biking. It would nearly blind anyone driving.

Something more flood that throw will probably a ideal with >600 lumen.

Or get a Helios and stop pussyfooting.


Edited by dem beats

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Streamlight DS HL $125 with charging cradle


- I love the cradle but NIMH

-Output is a bit low: 640 for 1h15m, 340 for 2h

Olight M22 Warrior - $78


-I have 18650's already so that is nice, but sucks I have to remove them

-Output is good, but medium which I'd probably use a lot is lower than the Streamlight: 950 for 1h, 250 for 3hr

Nitecore P25 - $84


-USB port .... I'd prefer a cradle but better than removing batteries

-Output is great: 960 for 1h45, 605 for 2h, 200 for 7h (I expect for biking 605 will be what I use and 960 for on the boat)

Fenix UC50 - $121


-Cradle charger...but not an 18650

-Usable output 900 for 1.25, 415 for 2.75

Sort of makes me either want the Fenix...but I hate the proprietary battery. The cradle hanging on the garage wall is perfect as I wouldn't have the then plug anything in. Output wise I think the Nitecore wins for what I want. Aargh. Why is this so hard.

I will look at this later but I'm general I would really recommend fenix as a brand. They really make a solid product for a good price. Sometimes they are quirky with the UI however.
Olight is Foursevens and nitecore is a poor man's surefire according to what I've seen. The m22 would be the best for the lake the nitecore the bike. I don't really need that much help on the boat so the compromise will go to keeping me alive in traffic versus the insured boat off the rocks


That second one has 950 candle foot not bad for the price smile.png






candela biggrin.png

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The four sevens maelstrom would also be something to look at Sean.

My BIL had his quark run over by a car and it still works.

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Broccoli is making me hungry.

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Broccoli is making me hungry.

I love it!! smile.png

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I'm guessing you will want two lights, one for the boat that is more a spotlight and a flood one for the bike.

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